Chapter 11

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“Lela!” My mom called. “Your still not totally healed. My foot was bandaged from the wound I had suffered on my toe.

Two days ago I had woken in a hospital room. I had sighed relief at not being in those dammed woods. Matt had been found barely alive laying next to a beaten Jack. Apparently I had untied the bonds just enough for him to break free and beat the crap out of Jack but when he went to look for me he was too hurt and tired so he just passed out.

Ben had also been found in the forest. I had given a pretty good blow to the head and he passed out while chasing me. Unfortunately the fucker lived but as soon as he recovers he’s off to Juvy and Jack will be joining of course. He should get more serious charges but I don’t want to take him to court. I just want to get over it.

They hadn’t gone after Allison or Pepsi thank god or else I would never had forgiven myself.

My mom had come as soon as she got the call. She’s been by my side the whole time and is afraid to leave me alone for fear that I might have a mental break down.

I have had nightmares from the experience but overall I feel fine. The police had asked me a million questions about the last few days and for the first time in my life I didn’t lie. I told them what happened between Matt and I and what happened with Ben. I even mentioned Mike and Pepsi.

I ran to Room 38 and barged in. The first person I saw was Matt. He looked terrible. His face was bruised and swollen. He didn’t notice me standing in the doorway at first but when Allison who was sitting in a chair stood and yelled, “Lela oh my god!” his head turned immediately.

Allison threw her arms around me and gave me a tight hug. I hugged back and was just so happy she still didn’t hate me. Then she pulled away, “I’m so glad you’re okay. I didn’t know if I could visit you because…” She turned to look at Matt.

“Hay Lela.” He tried to smile but it turned to a grimace. I walked toward his bed.

“You look horrible. I mean really bad.”

“Thanks for that.” I laughed a bit but it turned into guilt and sadness.

“It’s my fault! Ben and Jack never would have hurt you if-”

“It’s not your fault. I ran into them on the way to the party and was so angry I started a fight. They had no intention of going after you until they caught me. Then they used my phone to lure you to them.”

“But you were angry because we had a fight earlier and-”

“Oh my god Lela! Does everything have to be about you!” He laughed.

Allison was laughing too. “Who’s fault it was doesn’t matter. What matters is your both okay…well alive anyways.” She gave a disgusted look at Matt. He grabbed a pillow and tossed it at her. We all laughed and for a second everything felt normal.

“Lela?” My mom’s head poked into the doorway. Her short brown wavy hair falling to the side.


“Would you please come back to your room?”

“One minute.” She nodded and disappeared. I turned to Allison and Matt, “So…are we cool?”

“Are we cool?! You slept with my brother multiple times and lied about it!!!” Allison yelled but she didn’t look angry more playful. Matt looked worried. “Yeah we’re cool. But this means I get a free pass some day.”

“I don’t have a brother.”

“Well you have that cousin…Sam is it?”

I rolled my eyes. She laughed and Matt smiled. “But one question.”


“You two did use protection right? Cause I don’t want anymore surprises.”

“What?! Ew!” I covered my face.

“Why would you ask that?!” Matt yelled just as weirded out as me.

Allison laughed. “Please tell me you did.” She was obviously joking but still…did she really want to know what happened in that tent and shower and woods and…wow I’m a real slut.

“Ok I’m leaving.” I turned and quickly left the room and saw my mom leaning against the wall in the hallway. 

“Everything good?”

“Yeah it’s fantastic.”

“Ok then back to your room. You have a visitor.”

What? Who was visiting me? Dad? I quickly walked back into the room and saw…Mike. He sat on a chair next to my bed with flowers. He saw me and immediately stood up and smiled. I was shocked but I smiled.

“I’ll be out here.” My mom said and walked back into the hallway.

“Hay.” I said.

“Hay.” He just stared at me and my face flushed. What was wrong with me?! He was the only guy that could make me blush. “Uh these are for you.” He handed me the flowers.

“Thanks.” I took them and smelled the pink lilies. “There beautiful.”

He smiled pleased that I liked them. “How are you?”

“I’m better. Not in pain if that’s what you mean. And I’m not freaking out about what happened…not yet at least.” He looked relieved. “I never got to thank you for saving me.”

“What? You saved yourself. When I found you Ben was already knocked out from that blow to the head and you were not to badly hurt.” He looked down at my bandaged foot. “All I did was carry you to help.”

“And gave me a ride on your boat to help me find my friend.”

“Yeah how did that go by the way?”

“We’re good.”

“And the brother?” He gave me a curious look. “Are you two…?

“I don’t know. Right now I don’t really care.” He nodded. “Why?”

“I was just-well I’m moving out of the forest and into town for the summer. I was hoping I’d see you around.” I looked back at the flowers. I wasn’t stupid. I knew he liked me and well…

Bad Side: Oh wow! Again Lela! You want to go there again!

Smart Side: Really that’s kind of…

Bad Side: Dumb

Good Side: Yeah really. I’m not trying to be mean but your just asking for trouble

Slutty Side: I think he’s hot but…I think you need a rest. We need a rest.

Bad Side: Yeah

Good Side: Yeah

Smart Side: Defiantly

Shut up!

I looked to Mike, “We should hang out sometime. See how you do out of the trees and lakes and in the buildings and pools.”

He smiled, “We should.”

Wow I’m un believable.

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