Chapter 5

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I smiled at Matt. We were laying in his tent under the blanket. “So did you like it?” He asked.

I put my fingers in his hair and started to bush through it. He seemed to like it and he closed his eyes. “I have played that game many times before and I can honestly say…you have the highest score out of all the other players.” He look pleased.

“Thank you for the compliment.” He opened his eyes and leaned down to kiss me.

“Your welcome. Hay, what time does the bomb fire party thing end.” He stopped to think.

“Uh, 12:30.” I think. He checked is watched. “And it’s ten o clock. Allison will probably be back in an hour or so.” I moved closer to him.

“Yep after she’s done asking every boy there if their the one I’ve been kissing in the woods at night.”

Matt looked hurt. “So…you have had sex with someones else?”

I laughed. “No it’s you, you idiot.”


“The hickey. You gave it to me…remember.”

“That one was from me?!”

“That’s the only one I have! Do you really think I’m that much of a slut?!” I moved away from him in disgust.

“What? No…uh.” I was upset. That’s why he wanted me. For a rebound after Tina. Because I was the school slut with daddy issues and he wanted me to do freaky things for him. I grabbed my clothes  (my underwear and bra already on)  and ran out of the tent. “Lela wait I didn’t-”

“Shut up!” I said putting on my shirt and shorts. Then I started to walk down the trail. He tried to follow but he was to busy putting his pants on. I decided to run. As fast as I could bare foot and close to tears. What was wrong with me? I didn't cry or get upset. I was Lela White! I could make guys fall to my feet and nerds do my homeowrk. I could make girls wish they never lived or make them stop eating becasue i thought they looked fat. 

I kept thinking like this and running until I saw a light ahead. A camp fire. I stepped off the trail to see four boys sitting around it. When they saw me they freaked and tried to hide the alcohol they happened to be drinking.

“Was that beer?” I asked.

“What? No, no, no.” One of them said. I smiled.

“If you share then I won't call the cops.” I stepped into the fire light and there expressions changed.

“Dude she’s hot.” One of them whispered to the other.

“And horny.” I said innocently. One of them handed me a bear right away, opened and cold. I smiled and sat down next to them. “I’m Lela.”      

“Jason.” Said the one who had handed me the bear.

“Eric.” Said the one who called me hot.

“Andrew.” Said one who hadn’t talked yet.

“Blake.” Said the only one without a beer. They were all moderately good looking and probably all virgins.

“Well Jason, Eric, Andrew, and Blake cheers.” We all lifted our beers. Then I put my head back and started dink like there was no tomorrow.


I was dizzy. I had drank before but not this much. “God she’s wasted.” Eric said.

“Yep would you like to know why?” My speech slurred.

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