Chapter 12

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“Tell him to go fuck himself!” I yelled at the T.V.

“Seriously!” Allison agreed.

“What did he do that was so bad?” Matt asked. His arm around me while we sat on the couch watching a romantic comedy action (action for Matt, he really needed some new fighting moves).

“He’s a player!” Allison and I yelled.

“You say player, I say guy that likes two girls equally.” I scoffed. “Whoa I didn’t say that was me. I only have feelings for one girl.” He gave me puppy dog eyes. I smiled and leaned in to kiss him on lips.

He smiled under the kiss and pulled me closer. The kiss deepened and Allison groaned. “Ew stop it!” We kept going. “Seriously you guys can date but don’t kiss in front of me.” I put my hand on Matt’s cheek. “Stop!!!” She yelled. I held back a laugh and closed my eyes tighter.

Then I felt a strong impact against my face. I jumped back and looked at Allison. She had a pillow in her hand, she had hit Matt and I.

“Hay that hurt!” I rubbed my cheek.

“Then don’t do that.”

“She’s just jealous.” Matt snickered.

“Of my brother? Or my friend? Cause either one is bad.”

“Of being lonely.” I smirked. She gasped.

“I’m single and proud thank you very much!” We both laughed. She hit us with the pillow again.

“That’s it!” Matt jumped up and dived after her. I laughed then grabbed a pillow and started hitting them both. “Whoa I thought you were on my team?!” Matt asked.

“No this is war!” I hit him on his back. Allison rolled on the ground laughing. After Matt recovered he jumped up and grabbed a blue pillow from the coach. “No! Matt I was kidding!”

“Get over here!”

I turned and ran. “Take Allison! She started it!” I ran down the hall and into the first door I encountered.

Matt’s room. Just my luck. I dove on his bed and under the covers. I covered my head and waited for him to hit me. I felt the bed move and Matt's warm hand over my back.

I purred inside. “I see you’ve found my bed.” He whispered in my ear. I whimpered.

“I’m coming Lela!” I heard Allison voice and then a thud.

“Ow Ally!” Matt yelled. I laughed and moved the covers away. Allison was standing in Matt's room with her eyes closed. Matt had been hit with a very firm black pillow. He looked annoyed.

“Why are your eyes closed?” I asked.

“I’m scared to look.” Matt and I started laughing hysterically. Like we were actually having sex with her in the room or anywhere near the room for that matter.

“Oh Matt right there.” I moaned.

Matt joined, “Lela your so-!”

“Stop!” She screamed and covered her ears then turned to run out of the room. Matt and I continued to laugh but I stopped when I realized I was alone in Matt’s room…with Matt. He seemed to realized it too. He bent down to kiss me but I grabbed the black pillow and hit him on the head.

I laughed at the pure shock on his face. “Rejected!” Alison screamed. Her head poking in the room. Matt turned with an aggravated look.

I got up to run and quickly took off down the hall. Allison screamed in front of me. Her squeal echoing through the house. Good thing her parent weren’t here or they would be pissed at the noise we were making.

I felt strong hands grab around my waste and lift me in the air. It was so sudden my legs were kicking as if I was running. I felt like one of those cartoon characters when their running really fast and then they run off a cliff and fly in the air for a second before falling.

“Matt put her down.” He lifted me high in the air. I wasn’t scared of being dropped. His grip was so strong he was hurting my ribs.

“Not until she says sorry.”

“For what?!” I asked with a smile. He looked up at me.

“For hitting me with a pillow and hurting my head.”

“The only thing I hurt was your pride.”

He was about to say something but we were suddenly quieted by the sounds of loud bangs echoing through the air.

Bang, Bang, Bang, Bang!

“What was that?” I asked. Matt slowly put me down.

“I don’t know. It sounded like it came from outside.” He muttered.

I didn’t wait. I ran to the door and opened it. “Lela wait!” Allison yelled. I didn’t. Instead of just waiting I ran onto the ruff sidewalk and looked down the street.

The street lamps shined a golden light on the dark road. I saw a dark shape on the street. It looked like a body.

I flinched at the sound of car tires screeching. Then a car went down the street and flew past the house and turned the corner.

“Who was that?” Matt and Allison came to the door.

“I don’t know Matt.” I just stared at the shadow that looked like a body. It wasn’t moving.

My brain put everything together.

Bang = gun shots

Still shadow = unmoving body

I ran onto the street and toward the body.

“Lela!” Allison and Matt both followed.

My feet slammed against the pavement and I made sure to not trip. Didn’t want to break another toe.

As I got closer to the body I saw it was a person. They weren’t moving. I kneeled down next to them. “Hello? Are you okay?” I asked. The wind was blowing which messed up my hair and gave me goose bumps. All I was wearing was a tank top and shorts.

It was a man and he mumbled something “Don’t kill the queen.”

That’s when I noticed the blood patches on his chest.

“Someone call the police!”

The End...

 ***Should I continue or let it go?!***

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