Chapter 3

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  • Dedicated to Nicole Marie

Since the moment I woke up, Serena was the only thing on my mind. I couldn't wait to see her. I took a quick shower and threw a towel around my waist as I walked back upstairs to my room. I found a mostly clean plain black t shirt and yanked on some grey skinny jeans. I slipped on my black vans and grabbed my backpack. Now ready for school, I grabbed my keys and opened the door to the garage. There's my baby, my Merlot Red Aston Martin Vanquish, with the Moon Shadow leather interior. She was a present from my uncle for my 17th birthday. He owns a dealership, and therefore could get it cheaper. He's not exactly rolling in the riches, but enough to stay set for life. As I pull out of the driveway, I notice a certain pretty little lady on the sidewalk. 

"Good morning, Serena," I cheerfully greeted her with a smile.

"Hey Zane." She mumbled. I could tell she was tired, but half asleep or not, the girl looked stunning.

"Want a ride?" I asked, secretly pleading for a yes.

"Uh, I'm not sure. I might just walk," She replied.

"Oh come on. How bad could it be riding in the car with me for a whole ten minutes?" I joked. God, she was beautiful. How could anyone be this perfect at seven in the morning?

"Fine,  just pull over already." She whined.

I pulled over and got out of the car and opened the door for her. She ever so gracefully stepped inside and I closed the door, cautious not to close it on her yellow polka-dotted sundress.

"So this is your car?" She questioned, looking around the inside in wonderment.

"Yep," I replied with a proud smile.

"It's uh, pretty nice."


"No problem."

Three minutes passed until one of us asked what we were both thinking. I was the brave soul who dared stick their neck out.

"So...this thing between us..." I asked her.

"Well," She blushed and turned her head to look out the window. "This thing is..."

I looked over at her somewhat suspiciously.

"Serena, you don't have to fake feelings for me out of pity."

She looked at me with her innocent face, her eyes silently begging me to take back what I had just said. I smirked at her.

"Serena," I whispered seductively, as I brushed my hand against her cheek and tilted her chin up so she was looking at me. "I really like you. Please, just let me know."

"I... I think I do like you Zane, but I don't know yet. This is all so sudden, I may need some time to think," She managed to mutter. 

Words could not describe the looks on her face. An almost angel like epitome of innocence glowed from her delicate skin, and I could feel the warmth radiating from her soft smile.

I returned a gentle smile and turned my attention towards the road.

We pulled into the school parking lot a few minutes later. I looked at the clock. It was only 7:28. School didn't start until 7:40, twelve minutes away. I would take a minute or two at my locker, maybe grab a coffee and kill 3 more minutes, but what was I going to do for eight more minutes? 

I noticed Serena hadn't left the car. Did she notice we were early too? But why was she still sitting here? That's when it hit me. She wanted to be here. With me. I guess we had some privacy to work out this whole liking each other thing, and plenty of time, plus the windows in the car were blacked out, so it wasn't like anybody could see us together before anything between us was official...

She finally turned and looked at me, with slight amusement in her eyes. She moved closer, pushing towards the edge of her seat nearest me. It appears she noticed I haven't left, either. Serena rested her head on my shoulder. I guess I shocked her, because when I put my hand on her shoulder, the side farthest from me, she bolted directly upright.

"Is something wrong?" I asked, slightly disapointed at her for pulling away so quickly. Only when I saw the look on her face did I know exactly what was about to happen.

"No, something is very, very, right" She said with a smile.

And that's when it happened.


So, is anyone liking the story a little more now? I tried to make something happen between them, after two chapters of seperation. Did anyone know that she liked him, too? Comment or vote, if you'd like. 

Love you guysss! <3 <3 <3 <3

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