Chapter 4

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Just wanted to say, thanks for the advice Writergurl95 :)


She pressed her lips to mine, ever so lightly, and mumbled,"I really do like you Zane."

And with that, she moved closer. I just couldn't take it anymore. I pushed my lips upon hers and felt her smile. "Serena..." I mumbled against her smile. "We.....we can't...."

I broke the kiss.

"I don't care." She pouted and kissed me again. I couldn't help it. I relaxed and let her take control. She slipped her delicate hands behind my neck and pulled me closer to her. I felt her tounge slide against myself as she pursed her lips in a devilsh smile.

"S-S-Serena! We're gonna be late for class!" I stopped kissing her and pulled away, slightly.

"Correction. You're going to be late for class. I'm not leaving," She purred and pushed me back against the seat. She moved down and began to kiss my neck.  Then the bell rang.

"Oh Serena....Shit!" I said and pushed her off me. The truth of the matter was, I didn't want to leave her either, but what was I going to do?

I opened my door and tried to slip out when she grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and pulled me back into the car.


Hey guys! So, I hope you liked this chapter. ^.^

The song is Teenage Kicks by The Undertones. 

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