Chapter 10

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  • Dedicated to Janae Isaacs

So, intense enough? Gah. 

This one's for you, Janae. <3 


Serena's Point of View:

Zane was dragging me off to the car.

I managed to pull my phone out of my pocket and text my parents one last time:

Mom, dad.  

I didn't go to Jenny's house this weekend. I actually went upstate with a guy. Things got a little out of hand and now I'm pregnant. I'm not coming home. Don't miss me too much, it's for the best. I'm keeping the baby. I'll always love you. 


I got in the car and took one last look at that unforgettable house.  

I had either made my worst mistake or my best decision. 


We arrived at the house.

"Do you like it?" Zane asked. 

The house was a small cottage in the woods. It had flowered gardens and the walkways were adorned with rose bushes. 

The gardens were large and sprawled out all along the property.  

When I walked inside I noticed the cottage was already furnished. It had the kind of furniture you expected an old couple to have, but it just made the place feel more cozy. 

I really liked it. I hope the baby does too. Oh my god, the baby! 

"I love it," I told him with sincere honesty. 

He hugged me and brought me into a kiss. This kiss wasn't like any other we've had. It wasn't out of lust for each other. The kiss was of pure love, and I liked it that way.

After a few minutes, I broke the kiss.

"Zane?" I blushed.

He just laughed at me and put an arm around my waist as we explored the rest of the house. 


Zane's Point of View:

It was Wednesday, and I had just returned from the drug store with a pregnancy test for Serena. I had given it to her and she had opened it and taken the stick out of the box. She grabbed my hand and with a shaky smile she dragged me to the bathroom. 

She was inside now, taking the test. 

I was outside, leaning against the wall, anxiously waiting for her to come out and tell me the results. 

She had been in there for quite a while.

"Babe, you alright?" I called.

"Yeah, almost done," She replied. So I just sighed and slumped back against the wall.

I would honestly be happy if she was pregnant or not.

Sure, it would make things a lot more complicated if she was pregnant, but I know it would both make us more happy in the long run. Plus, I know she's gonna ask me for kids one day, might as well start now.

She bursted out the door with a huge smile on her face.

"Zane, I'm pregnant!" She cheerfully announced.

I hugged her.

"I'm so happy." I told her.

I pulled her into a kiss.

One of those long, passionate kisses you always hear about in movies and books.

It just came naturally to me, not like any screenplay told me to.

I've never been happier in my life. 


So, what did you guys think of this chapter? Can I get a vote? ^.^ 

I love writing this story, it comes so naturally. I hope you guys love reading it as much as I love writing it for you! I know I wrote an epilogue and such, but clearly I have deleted it for those of you that notice now. Please do continue to read the story even if you have read the as noted previously, deleted epilogue, because I promise to you that there is so much more in store to find out about Zane and Serena's little romance. 

See you soon! (Well, I can't actually see you but you understand the expression.)  


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