Chapter 6

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  • Dedicated to Arianna Grigonis

Hrmm, dying to know who knocked? I guess your going to find out now. That was kind of self explanitory.... I'm going to shut up now.



We both screamed and jumped.

Someone had just kncked on the door.

I quickly fumbled for my keys and rammed them in the ignition. Turning the key, I pulled out of that spot without hesitation. I could hear a gruesome yelp that was not quite distant. Did I run over someone's foot? I looked in the rear view mirror. It was the security guard.

"Did you hear that scream?" I questioned.

"......that was me," She mumbled and turned her head the other way.

After about five minutes of driving, I pulled into a 7/11 parking lot. Running my hands through my hair, I sighed. That rush of adrenaline left my heart beating irregularly fast. It kind of hurt.

"Serena, we can't go around doing that. Do you know what kind of trouble that little scene could have just gotten us into?" I asked her, trying to hide my frustration.

The look on her face told me I didn't hide it well enough.

"I....I didn't mean it to get that far.... It's just..... just..." She muttered. 

I could hear the shakiness in her voice. I put a reassuring hand on her shoulder and looked in her eyes.

"Don't worry, it's going to be fine. Watch."

I pulled my Blackberry out of my pocket. I scrolled down my contacts for a while and finally clicked on one. As I lifted the phone to my face, I noticed her puzzled look of amusement.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Yes, this is Curbans High School, how may I help you?" the voice replied.

"Hi, this is Phillip Collins, Zane's father? I was just calling him in sick today. He's got a bit of a fever, and er, I'd just rather he stayed home." I lied.

"I understand. Well, I hope he feels better. Thank you for calling. Have a nice day." the woman on the other end of the line stated.

"You too." I finished.

I ended the call. 

Serena finally released all her giggles she had been trying so hard to hold back during my conversation with the school receptionist.

"Okay, time to collect yourself. You have to call in too, you know." I told her.

She looked a little bit insecure, a little unconfident.

"Do I really have to?" She batted her eyes at me.

"Sorry, It's not like we can go back now, or at least for today. They'd spot us and land us in major trouble."

"Fine," She sighed. 

She took my phone from my hand. Her expression seemed shocked. She must've not known I had already dialed it for her.

I heard the phone ring three times, then the same middle aged voice awnsered.

"Hello, this is Curbans High School, how may I help you?" It asked.

What a deja-vu.

"This is Marcy Marns, I'd just like to call Serena in sick today."

"Of course. Fever?" 

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