Chapter 5

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I hope I haven't kept you waiting on Zane and Serena's little moment....


I let her.

She wanted it. Caught up in the heat of the moment, was it?

"Zane..." she whispered. "You can't leave me. I won't let you."

"Yesterday you told me you didn't like me in that way! What's changed!? I'm still the same Zane you rejected, and now you want me? Stop and think for a minute." I said with a moment's hesitation.

Her expression filtered through a set of emotions. First confusion, then a sense of realization, then what appeared to be doubt. Finally, she seemed to settle for contemplation.

"But, I do like you!" Serena pouted.

"What's changed about me since yesterday, then?" I questioned.

She thought for a while, then finally responded. "I realized that I lost someone sweet."

I saw the flicker of honesty in her eyes when she spoke. This girl meant so much to me and I wasn't about to lose her. Maybe she just saw lust in me, right now, but in this moment I  didn't care. Not one bit. So I pressed my lips to hers softly.

She seemed to want to go further. Should I stop the girl? She traced one finger around my V. I melted under her touch. 

"Zane, I'm liking where this is going." She giggled. Her laugh made me shiver.

She moved her hands up to my chest, and started unbuttoning it from the inside. I had to admit, this was really turning me on.

I reached under her dress, and traced my hand along where her bra clasp was. I smiled through the kiss and she whined in frustration. I liked taunting her, it was more fun this way.

"And where do you think this is going, sweetie?"

"Hmmmm....I don't know," she whispered seductively. I felt her start to rub herself against my lap. I moaned into the kiss. She smiled against my lips. God, what was this girl doing to me?

If she can play, so can I. I reached under her dress and unclasped her bra, then started to play with her hair.

Serena's Point of View:

My oh my, this boy had skill. I had no idea what I've gotten myself into, only that I was enjoying this. When did I start liking him? Maybe just the pure realization of his love for me caused a change in heart...

He started to pull my dress up and I helped him the rest of the way. What I was doing with this boy wasn't right...

Zane's Point of View:

I lifted her dress and was suprised at how quickly she wanted me to do so. She pulled tigher against me as she finished unbuttoning my shirt and ripped it off me. I wanted so much, but I couldn't shake the feeling that we shouldn't be doing this.

I felt the seat drop back, Serena must have moved it.

She moved her kisses down to my neck, and bit me. It kind of throbbed, Hehe, she claimed me as her territory...She slid her tounge further down and began to kiss my chest. I..I needed her. Now. Right now. This second. 

"You're mine." I announced. 

We both screamed and jumped.

Someone had just knocked on the window.


Well, there was their steamy scene some of you asked for.

So, Do you still like Zane? Maybe he's going just a bit too far with Serena?

I can't believe I just wrote that... O_o

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Love you guys!


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