Chapter 13

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Serena's Point of View:

I cleaned up our dishes after breakfast. Zane had gone to take a shower. As I washed the dishes I ran my hands under the water, feeling the steady unchanging pressure. I hoped it would never stray from what it had become.

I dried the dishes and put them away.  I felt the steam from the shower float around the bend of the hallway and fog up the mirror. I traced my finger along the flat silver edge and drew a few hearts.

I walked down the hall and quietly opened the bathroom door. I stepped into the foggy room undetected. I pulled off Zane's shirt that I had been wearing and tossed it on the ground along with my bra and panties.

"Zaneee?" I called playfully.

"What is it?" He responded.

"I have a suprise for you," I giggled.


I slid open the shower door and grabbed him from behind.

"Gotcha!" I announced.

He turned around and hugged me back.

"Oh hey," He said.

He kissed me. I pulled him into a deeper kiss and licked along his bottom lip. He opened his mouth and bit my lip. i shivered. 

There was no space for water to run between us; we were held together so tight.

His kisses moved down to my neck and he left me a hickey. His kiss returned to my lips and I felt him smirk through the kiss. So I  pulled away from him and stepped out of the shower with a sly smile on my face.

He turned off the water and ran after me.

"Serena! I wasn't done with you yet!" He called as he chased me back upstairs to our room.

He pushed me back on the bed.

"Stop," I laughed. He was laying on top of me, kind of crushing me.

"Not yet, maybe later," He replied as he kissed me again.

His lips trailed down to my waist and back. I felt a shudder go down my spine.

I flipped us so I was on top of him.

I leaned down and gave him a hickey. When I looked up, his facial expression made me laugh. There was no way to explain it.

I gave him one quick final kiss and sat up. I got off him and put some clothes back on.

He just layed there smiling at me. What an idiot, I thought.

He finally sat up and put a pair of boxers on. Zane walked up behind me and grabbed me from around the waist. I smiled as I noticed his cutting scars were healing.

"God, I love you. I love you. I looooovvveee you." He told me, playing with the sound of his words.

I laughed and turned around to face him.

"I  looooovvveee you too!"

I gave him a quick kiss and sat down on the bed. He sat down next to me and laid back.

"I never finished my shower, you know." Zane noted.

"Yeah, and?"  I questioned him.

"I'm gonna go finish taking a shower now," 

He offered me a sweet smile and left the room.


Zane's Point of View:

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