Chapter 7

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Serena's Point of View: 


Zane seemed so happy when he heard me singing with him. I guess it reminded him he wasn't as alone as he thought he was. He really isolates himself too much. Maybe this weekend with me will force him to be sociable.

I reached the second floor and walked down the hallway to that familiar doorway. I walked in and took the dress out of the closet.

Putting it on, I checked my reflection once more in the mirror. I looked good!

Hrm, how am I going to present myself? Maybe I'll just walk in, like, "Hey," and wink at him? 

No, thats too cheesy. What should I do. Ooh! I know the perfect way for him to find me. 


Zane's Point of View: 


"Serena?" I called.

"I'm in the main kitchen!" she yelled from the first floor.

I walked down that metal spiraling staircase, down to where she stood. I was wrong. She wasn't standing, but rather sitting. On the kitchen counter.

She looked beautiful. She was wearing a short black dress. Where had she gotten it?

"Come here," she beckoned playfully.

I walked over to her and helped her down.

"You look.....amazing," I told her.

I felt so out of place. I only had a black tee and jeans, the same ones I had worn before that day.

"Not so bad yourself, mister." She laughed and kissed me.

"You know what? Stay here. I'll be right back." I said.

I ran around to the back of the kitchen and used the alternate stairs to reach the room I was never allowed in as a child, my dad's room. It's not that he was strict, it was just his "Child Free Zone".

I hit the light switch and the light flickered on slowly. I slid open two grand doors to reveal his walk in closet. It was massive, filled with expensive suits and tuxedos. I picked out one and put it on. To my surprise, it fit me pretty well!

I looked in the mirror. I looked pretty good. I just hope it matched with Serena's dress.

Returning to her, I saw that she was sitting on one of the main couches, feet tucked underneath her.

"There you are!" She exclaimed.

I grabbed my keys and took her hand. I led her to the car.

"Where are we going?" She asked.

"I can't tell you." I replied.

"So full of surprises today, are we?"

"Well, I guess I'm just a man of surprises." I laughed. 


Well guys, I just couldn't help but write more. XD

Maybe this little bit will hold your hunger for a little longer?

I'm really enjoying writing this story for you guys, I hope you like it! :)



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