Authors Note

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** Music: "Abandoned" by Lucas King, this will be officially Duvainel's music, so this music will be heard in other chapters**

Hey guys! I decided to start a new story, I was watching the second Hobbit movie and it inspired me to start a story.

Just so you know the story will go with the storyline and also may not go with it, depending of how I feel.

All of the characters are property of J.R.R Tolkien except for a couple of characters that I made up, and ofcourse the main character.

Enjoy the Story!

Chapter 1

"I love you grandmother, but I refuse to go near that place! Especially near that, BEAST!", locking my hands behind me I began to pace back and forth as I looked at the floor infront of me, I slowly turned my gaze up to my grandmother Galadriel. My grandmother looked at me and shook her head, "You will do as I say Duvainel, for goodness sakes child, your father and mother would of wanted you two to get along, incase of war we all have to be together, all of us elves will have to join some day", I looked to my side trying hard not to roll my eyes, I looked up at her once more, "I would rather die a thousand deaths than to become friends with that imbecile". Galadriel frowned at me and looked down at me furiously, "These are my final words Duvainel, you will go and live in Mirkwood for as LONG as it takes to befriend him, I do not care if it's for a day...", I interrupted her, "But Grandmother...", she puts a hand up quickly interrupting me, "Do not interrupt Duvainel,...,I don't care if it's for a day, a month or ten millions years, you two will befriend each other no matter the circumstances". There was no way of changing the mind of my grandmother Galadriel, she was very stubborn always for as long as I remember. Not to mention she is the only family I have left, along with her husband my grandfather Celeborn.

I shook my head as I looked down, slowly I turned my gaze up and sighed deeply placing my hand on my forehead, "Fine, but don't expect me to make a celebration out of this grandmother, I hate that fucken bastard", she gave me a slight smile and replied, "I don't expect you to do so, now leave to Dûrwood and rest my dear, tomorrow you will leave as soon as the sun rises", I bowed my head slightly and bid my grandmother farewell, "Namaarie, grandmother", (farewell In Sindarin). I gracefully turned and walked out of my grandmothers and saw three of my elves out waiting for me with my black horse Durel, I have had him all my life. As soon as they helped me up, they went on their horses and we made our 5 hour journey to Dûrwood where I am originally from and I rule.

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