Chapter 6

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**"Monochrome" by Collide***

Duvainel POV

Three months have passed since my arrival to Mirkwood, and nothing, absolutely nothing has changed between Thranduil and myself. I feel as this task is utterly and completely hopeless, I have passed by Thranduil with a smile and all I have gotten is sneers from him, which obviously has won him nothing but rolls of the eyes and shakes of the head by me. He acts as a child and some day it will get on my last patience, which will make me walk up to him and confront him with every part of my being. All we have done is argue all the time, whenever we have a chance.

Aha!, like right now, he is right infront of me walking towards my direction with two guards. As I walk with my friend Nìdel and Duron as we discuss important matters of Dûrwood. I am looking straight at him making sure that he is looking at my eyes. He is really near me now and I am now smiling at him, and yes there it is, the infamous sneer of that asshole. I seriously want to turn around and slash that pretty face of his with an iron claw, as I afterwards punch him a few times and kick him on the ribs, I know, it seems a little irrational considering the circumstances, right? But hey, if you were in my shoes, and you saw him doing this every time, you would do absolutely the same thing as me, don't lie. A deep sigh escaped from my mouth as I facepalmed myself and shook my head vigorously. "Thranduil will be the death of me one of this days, he is getting on every last bit of my patience!" I yelled the last part to no one in particular, to myself I guess. Nìdel let out a loud chuckle which quickly made me turn to her and raise an eyebrow, making her stop in her tracks. "What is so funny Nìdel, does my misfortune with Thranduil make you laugh?", she smiled slightly and replied, "your outburst kind of made me laugh, sorry, but what really makes me laugh is Thranduil, he seems to do this on purpose", I cross my arms infront of my chest and tilt my head still with the raised eyebrow, "Why do you say that Nìdel?", she locks her hands infront of her and replies, "Well is as if he walks by you purposely just so that he can make that face, knowing that it infuriates you, I feel like, he is purposely acting like a child, as if he is playing games with you", I scoff at her last sentence, and shake my head, "Well if he is playing games, I do not find them fun at all, I hate that ellon and I seriously am considering to go to my Grandmother and cutting off this deal".

With that I turn on my heel behind me and walk away leaving Duron and Nìdel to themselves, if Nìdel is right, two can play this game Thranduil, I am on my way to the throne room and sitting myself on the throne that was made for me by my wood carvers.

Thranduil POV

I am sitting on my throne in the throne room, thinking about my situation, I told my guards that I wanted to be left alone and unbothered and wanted no one to come in. I slouched infront of me as I buried my face on the palms of my hands and my elbows on my knees, I felt tired of everything and everyone, especially of Duvainel, how I want her out of my kingdom. Suddenly I heard the doors burst open and quickly I sat up slouching on my throne tilting my head back looking down to the figure before me. Suddenly I realized it was none other than Duvainel, she scurridly walked halfway to her throne, then when she looked at me she stopped and walked slowly to her throne which was located in the middle at the far side left wall from where I was sitting. She kept her gaze at me as she tilted her head back and looked at me pompously. What does this crazy elleth thinks she is doing?, instead of myself getting angry, I raised and eyebrow amused. I watched carefully every move she made, she turned away from her throne and slowly sat herself, slouching herself on it in my direction. As her head was still held up high, I could see her watching me from the corner of her eye. I scoffed under my breath and shook my head slightly as I looked at the opposite wall from her. She really is something, I specifically told my guards that I wanted no one here, I sat up straight and yelled out as it echoed throughout the entire throne room walls making them vibrate with just my voice, "GUARDS!", one of the guards quickly opened the door and scurridly stood infront of me hesitantly, "yes k-king Th-Thranduil?", as I looked down at the ellon infront of me I raised an eyebrow, "I thought I have made myself clear that I wanted to be left alone", I turned my gaze towards Duvainel then back at the guard, "yes my king..." he replied before he kept going I quickly interrupted,"then why, I said I wanted noone here, especially that brat!".

With that Duvainel quickly turned her head to me and looked at me with daggers in her eyes, swiftly she jumped out of her throne and clenched her hands so tightly I swear they would start bleeding any minute. "How dare you speak of me like that! The only brat here is you! Thranduil!!! Every day I smile at you as I pass by in the hallways, and do I ever get a smile back?! No! I get a horrid sneer from you! All we have done for the past 3 months is argue! I am totally weary of ALL THIS!!!!", At first I looked at her wideeyed, but quickly it was replaced with a frown of anger. I slowly got up, dismissing the guard, "Go, no one bother us, we are going to be discussing important matters", "yes sir", with that the guard bowed and scurried like he has seen a million orcs in the distance. I kept my gaze on the elleth before me, expressionlessness was on my face, I slowly walked down the stairs and stood right at the bottom of the stairs. Duvainel watched me carefully squinting her eyes, finally I spoke hissing at her, "keep your voice down Duvainel, the entire kingdom will know we are fighting", she began to slowly walk on my direction, "Good! That way your entire kingdom will know that their king! Is an asshole!, I have been trying to be civilized with you for a month, and you have done absolutely nothing, than just look at me as if I was just garbage! Do you think they don't know what happens between us!, I am pretty sure our arguing is not new by now! ", slowly I began walking towards her direction, she began walking towards me, both of us meeting in the middle standing just inches away.

Duvainel POV

I looked up at him infuriated, his eyes held daggers to me, my breath became faster as I was standing inches away from him, I was not sure if it was my anger towards him, or something else. I was not gonna give him the satisfaction of backing off from this situation, if he wants to play rough, bring in the first punch, son. He smirks at me in the most suspicious way possible, I squinted and frowned at him. What is Thranduil up to? Why in the world is he looking at me like that?, he leans in to me and stares at me looking deeply into my eyes slowly making his gaze down to my lips. What the hell am I witnessing right now, my heart by now was going in a crazy beat that felt like it will burst out of my chest right at this moment. He leans even more close and by now I could feel his breath close to my face, as he stood a little longer he quickly turned away from me and gave his back to me as he looked up locking his hands behind him. "What was that?!", he kept quiet and didn't move one bit, "if you have something to tell me tell me now Thranduil!", he slowly began making his way up the stairs, but before he would start walking away I grabbed his arm and turned him around to face me, "what the hell was that there then?", he shook his head, "it's not important Duvainel, just go and don't come back to the throne room", I kept my hand on his arm gripping on it, I was determined to find the answer no matter what. Why did he looked at me that way? Did he wanted to tell me something? I kept my gaze at him trying to find an answer on his face, by now he turned away and looked at the floor, I realized we're not getting anywhere, in defeat I sighed deeply and closed my eyes releasing my grip, I turned my back on him and bowed down as I locked my hands infront of me, just when I was going to walk away, a guard walks in scurridly and bows before us, Thranduil turns our way and frowns, the guard bows before us and finally speaks, "King Thranduil I am sorry to barge in like this, but your son,....he needs help, he is in danger, orcs and spiders are making their way too close to the kingdom", my heart felt heavy, and my stomach dropped I grabbed my stomach in pain as I heard Legolas being in trouble I released a big gasp trying to catch my breath. Legolas, my son, no, in danger?.

Thranduil was about to reply to the guard, when I began to scurridly walk out of the throne room, "Not while I am here! Legolas I am coming my son! Someone give me my sword quickly!!! Hurry up!!!", Aredhel was the closest to me, so he quickly sprinted to my room and grabbed my sword meeting me right at the entrance. "My lady, will you not put proper fighting clothing for this? It could be dangerous", I look at Aredhel and take my sword from his hand, "there is no time for that hun, Legolas is in trouble, bring me Duron, quickly!" Aredhel turned and ran to the gardens where he was talking to Lady Ìrwen, and finally stood infront of him, he bowed as he was trying to catch his breath, "my lady...Duron, Queen Duvainel wishes your presence, quickly, Prince Legolas is in trouble and Queen Duvainel will aid him, bring your weapons", Duron got up and bowed at Ìrwen, "Sorry my love I must depart, we will see each other soon", he kissed her hand and Aredhel began to run back, as Duron ran behind him. They ran through the halls and finally arrived to me, I was more than ready, and very determined to destroy every spider and orc on site. By now the elven guard was with me to show me the way, he has said that Thranduil will join us later. I ofcourse rolled my eyes at this.

Luckily Duron always carries his weapons with him and is always ready. The ellon begans to run towards the forest and we run right behind him following his every steps.

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