Chapter 8

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**"The Allure" by Beats Antique, at the Massive Spectacular with Zoe Jake**

Legolas POV

Slowly I opened my eyes, I looked at my surroundings and realised that I was in the healing room, I felt someone right next to me. I turned and saw Lady Nìdel asleep on a chair next to me, "How long have I been out?", I asked to myself lowly, "about a week", the voice startled me and I quickly turned as I saw Lady Nìdel awake, smiling sweetly at me. I smiled and sat myself up slowly, "how did I get here?", I asked as I sat up, "Duvainel brought you on Thranduils horse, she almost lost you, but she was able to bring you on time. Duvainel has never left your side, 'til just a moment ago, as well as I ofcourse", she blushed at the last sentence. I gave her a sweet smile and took her hand, "thankyou my lady", her beauty was beyond compared even after she slept. Knock...knock, we heard knocking and suddenly the doors creaked open, a pair of green eyes came out of the other side of the door. It was Queen Duvainel with a beautiful semi-sheer white loose dress and not so much makeup. She wore no circlet today, and she looked plain but so beautiful. Her hair was straight today, so straight that her pointy ears could now be seen. Wearing nothing on her feet she was bare footed and her dainty toes could be seen. She had a book in her hand which grabbed my attention, the cover looked familiar, and I finally realised which book it was, it was a book she used to read to me from when I was a young ellon, I could not believe it, after all this years she still had that book. It was an Outer World book that had different stories in one single book, my favorite was the one about King Arthur and the round table.(turn on the music at the bottom of this paragraph) I remember her telling me that her favorite story was the one of Joan of Arc, she said that she was courages and single handedly led an army, all in the name of her God, and that angels would talk to her, she later on was burned at the stake for her beliefs and called mad, Duvainels exact words were and I quote, "it's not insane to want peace for your people, but to stand and do nothing is to be completely mad", I never understood what she meant until now that I grew up.

Queen Duvainel walked towards my direction and sat herself gracefully on the chair next to Lady Nìdel, Lady Nìdel got up and bowed to us both, "I must go, I told Duron I would help him out with some matters, please if anything happens, don't hesitate to call me", Queen Duvainel smiled as she looked at Nìdel and replied, "ofcourse, it's your job", I looked at Duvainel surprised at her remark and Nìdel looked at her unimpressed. Finally Duvainel broke the awkardness with laughter along with Nìdel laughing as their heads went back, I sighed as I realised that, that is how they get along, after all they have been friends for ages. I began to laugh as well and shook my head finding it quite amusing the way they got along. Nìdel patted Duvainels' shoulder and as she chuckled, Duvainel patted her hand, "see you later hun", Duvainel replied as Nìdel looked at us both with a slight bow once more, "later, excuse me". Nìdel made her way to the door and just as she opened it she glanced back to me and winked, I chuckled under my breath. She closed the door infront of her and I was left alone with the most beautiful elleth in all of middle earth, she looked like the description of those angels that she always talked about in her books. I looked up at her as she smiled warmly at me taking my hand slowly. "How are you feeling hun?", I carefully placed my other hand on top of hers, and softly spoke, "alot better thankyou Duvainel, I am forever grateful that you saved my life", her eyes morphed from happines to sadness, and I realised that her eyes were about to water, "don't scare me like that Legolas, you had me worried sick, I thought I was going to lose you forever, and for a moment,....I almost did", her tears fell freely, and I became sad as I saw her so vulnerable. Slowly my hand made its way up to her cheeks and I wiped away her tears slowly, she placed her hand on mine softly, "I don't know what I would of done, if my little Greenleaf would of died". Could not contain herself and quickly jumped on me, with a tight embrace, her tears falling like a waterfall down her cheeks. Quickly I wrapped my arms around her tightly as I stroked her hair softly, "I am so sorry Duvainel,....I- I did not mean to bring you so much pain, I am so sorry". I have never seen her this way before, she was breaking my heart to shatters, in my mind I told myself, I don't know what I would of done if I left you all alone my love, leaving you without telling you how I really felt.

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