Ch 3: Nagisa Hazuki and Rei Ryugazaki (long chapter title wooo!)

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Quick author note:
I'm not gonna use -kun -san -sama in this story because if I do it will just confuse me, I may make exemptions such as -Chan and -senpai.
But for the most part I'm going to use Mr and Mrs when the MC is being formal, sorry if you have a problem with that, but it's just the way I wanna do things x ^_^
After a few moments of getting approached by many students, who asked multiple questions (despite Makoto's request).
Many of them asked me questions about my gender, sexuality, looks, and my plans for the weekend, and even one girl approached me and blatantly asked "you a lesbian?", to which, I could only reply with a long 'ummm' sound, until Makoto interjected, telling the girl that I am male.
After a while, a woman entered the classroom, she had shortish brown hair, cut into a messy Bob, with brown eyes.
"Stand. Bow. Be seated."
"Now, as you have all probably noticed, we have a new student today, so please welcome Miss (y/n) (y/ln)." The brunette at the front of the classroom spoke.
"(Y/n)'s a guy." Everyone spoke at once, in a monotone, as if it is a common mistake in this classroom.
"Oh, well I am very sorry about that, but we must put it behind us. I am Amakata Miho, your new homeroom teacher."
After class had ended, Makoto and Haruka led me up to the roof, which made me feel a little sick, I don't quite like heights.
"Are you feeling alright, (y/n)? You look pale." Haru said to me, gently pressing his hand against my forehead.
"Of course, I think I'm just pale normally, but I'm not a fan of heights." I reply to Haruka.
"Oh, in that case, try to stay away from the edge, we don't want you to feel sick."
"Thank you Haruka."
"Please, just call me Haru."
"That's strange, you normally prefer people to call you Nanase, but with (y/n) you want him to call you Haru, but anyway, Nagisa and Rei should be here soon (y/n)-chan." Makoto smiles at me, but he didn't quite realise that the sudden use of -chan would make me blush like a Yandere in front of her senpai.
"What's wrong?" Makoto says, looking into my eyes with a degree of concern.
"Makoto he is blushing." Haruka says to Makoto in a tired tone, as if it pained him that he had to tell him.
"Oh! Im sorry (y/n). Please forgive me." Makoto bows as he apologises.
"It's no problem, you just caught me off guard..." I continue to blush, not because I'm embarrassed, but because I'm quite ecstatic that Makoto called me -chan. Just something about being called that rushed straight to my cheeks... I mean the ones on my face... Not the butt.
"Haru-chan! Mako-chan!" A voice from behind me shouts, the voice sounded slightly feminine, but you could tell it was definitely a males voice, I turn round to the source of the voice to see a short, blonde boy running towards us, followed by a taller boy with blue hair and red glasses, who looked like he didn't want people to know that he and the blonde knew each other.
"Haruka-senpai, Makoto-senpai, are you well?" The blue haired boy asks the brunette and the navy haired teen who sat by me.
"Hey Rei, how you doing." Makoto replies to who I gather is called Rei, Haru just nods.
"I'm ok, and you are?" Rei slowly drags his eyes over to me, as if he was tired or confused as to why I was invading his friend group.
"Oh, I'm (y/n) (y/ln), I just transferred here from Tokyo, Makoto invited me to come meet you and Mr. Hazuki, I am sorry if i am imposing." I get up and bow to Rei.
"No, you're not imposing, it's nice to meet you Mr. (Y/ln). I am Rei Ryugazaki, and I guess you already know our treasurers name, Nagisa Hazuki, but I do hope that soon we can establish an informal relationship where we can use first names instea of being so formal."
"Of course, I would prefer if you called me (y/n)."
"Then it's settled, you may call me Rei."
"And you can call me Nagisa!" The blond calls to me.

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