Ch 14: oh my... Such a happy accident... (Haru route- part 1)

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Some times when I'm sad, I like to retread the last two chapters, the one with the Penguin and the parrot, and it makes me giggle and cringe. But it also reminds me that I'm mad as a hatter but without the charm.

Before I start, just pretend the different routes are on different timelines.

The swim club guys invited me to go to the mall with them, they invited Zero... Just my luck.
I wanted to make myself look good, I showered, brushed my hair, but made it look casually messy.... Is that trying too hard?
I threw on my favourite outfit, and out the door I went.
They invited me to the park, I haven't been to the park in Iwatobi, but if it's anything like the park back home, I will get stabbed.
The group were already there when I got there.
"(Y/N)-Chan!!!" Nagisa ran at me and wrapped his arms around my neck... I hope he forgot about the Penguin....
"Hi Nagisa." I smiled and hugged him back, he then pulled away and allowed the others to get at me.
"Hey, I see you've recovered." Makoto chuckled, I glared at him and he smiled back.
"Sup' (Y/N), hope you've got a lot of rest since our date." Zero said to me though a smirk, so I slapped him.
"Hello (Y/N)-Senpai, I hope you are well." Rei smiled at me, I smiled back and assured him I am good.
Haru only nodded at me, well, that is a lot like him.
We all spent a little time talking, it was nice, we learned that Zero is part of the Iwatobi Host club, if you don't know what a host club is, it is where young women will go, and pay to have the company of a 'gentleman'... And it turns out, that to his guests, Zero is gentleman, he's only an asshole to me. (If you haven't guessed, I recently watched Ouran high school host club)
We also learned that Nagisa's stuffed penguin went missing... Thankfully, Makoto didn't say anything.
After a while, a small, passive aggressive argument broke out about who is most worthy of my mouth virginity, and by that, I mean my first kiss.
The only person who chose not to argue, was Haru, either he didn't care, or he was thinking up a plan.
I sighed and stood up, Haru did the same.
"Hey (Y/N), wanna go get food?" Haru whispered to me.
"Take me."
Haru gently took me by the hand and started to lead me away, but I tripped, and Haru tripped too.
It all went in slow motion, Haru landed on the ground with his back against the soil, and I fell on top of him, our chests pressed together gently, as did out lips. Haru. Took. My. First. Kiss... I'm not even mad.
I can't say the same about the other though, I heard Nagisa's soul shatter, Makoto gasped, and I swear I heard Zero break his phone in half.

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