Sousuke x (Y/N) Oneshot!!!

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By the way, I'm sorry about the lack of new uploads, so, I'll be enforcing an updating schedule upon myself!
I'll try to update every week on Wednesday and Saturdays, but this may change if stuff comes up.

I wasn't entirely sure as to why a joint practise with Samazuka Academy 'helps the swim club'... But all I do know, is that... Well, it's a total Smokeshow!!!
So far, I've had 6 guys ask me for my number, all of them were basically human perfection. It's a slight... Okay, a huge understatement to say I was being a bit of a pervert, but it's okay... Kinda?
"Hey." A low, growly voice said from behind me.
"Don't kill me!!!" I jumped a little bit and looked behind me.
"Ummm... I didn't mean to scare you." A tall teenager with striking, teal eyes and short black hair stared back at me, a perpetual scowl lacing his God-like jawline.
"O-oh... Sorry... I'm just a little jumpy..." I blushed and looked to the side, avoiding the piercing gaze of the black haired teen.
"Oh, I guess I'll have to keep that in mind..." He nodded, not breaking eye contact with me.
"Well, it was nice meeting you." I smiled at him.
"You're trying to get rid of me that quickly?" He knitted his eyebrows a little as he looked down at me.
"Oh, nononono, I didn't mean it like that!" I blushed hard.
"Ahaha, you're cute when you blush." He smiled, putting his strong, muscular hand on top of my head and ruffling my hair slightly. Despite my desire to disembowel him for messing up my hair, he was very charming.
"Thank you..." I blushed harder. I've decided... I want.
"No problem... Hey, do you wanna maybe go get get coffe-"
"Yes!!!" I looked at him, my eyes lighting up.
"Umm... Okay?" He raised an eyebrow at me as he handed me his phone to put my number in.
I put my phone number into his phone, and I noticed his music app was still open... He listens to Taylor Swift... Hehe... That's cute. I then handed the phone back to him.
"Thanks, (Y/N)." He smiled.
"Wait... I haven't told you my name yet... How do you know it?" I raised an eyebrow.
"Umm... Internet..." He blushed ever so slightly and rubbed he back of his head.
"Hmm... Okay? Well, anyway, text me if you want to meet up then." I smiled at him.
"I will." He smiled back, then walked away.
".... Well, that was weird..."

He'd called me later on that day, telling me to meet him in the park... This is how people normally get kidnapped...
"Hey, (Y/N)!" The masculine, growly voice shouted from behind me.
"Oh, hey there." I turned around and looked at the black haired boy, he was wearing a black tank top that showed off his toned arms, and a pair of dark blue shorts that cut off just above his knee.
"I was sure you weren't gonna show, to be honest..." He blushed a little and rubbed the back of his neck.
"Of course I was going to, why wouldn't I?" I giggled quietly, patting his chest.
"Oh, I was worried you thought I was a bit of a creep." He smiled handsomely and stretched a little
"Well.... No comment, but I would've showed either way." He was right, I did think he was a little weird.

Eventually, we had managed to find our way down to the beach, sitting on the sandy shore was we watched the scarlet sunset. I felt a shift on the sand next to me and turned to look at Sousuke, who was now very close to me, his hand on my knee.
"Listen... I have a question...." He blushes slightly as he looked at me.
"What is it, Sousuke?" I looked at him.

"Will you be my boyfriend?..."

Iwatobi swim Club (free!) x male!reader (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now