3. we heros dont do all the work

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In case you don't know, Ignis is Latin for fire.
Then I don't know her name was Ignis, in fact what I was seeing made zero sense to me.
There was smoke in the air, the largest building on that street was on fire, there were people running out of it......there was noise and then there was a woman. Except, I didn't know it was a woman.
It looked like fire in form of a human, like some kind of firey energy being. The thing was floating fwets away from the building and not so far from me, it was a looking down and I could tell it had started the fire.
I didn't think, I just had anger in my head.
① I had been woken up by my super senses for this!
② I hated flying and this had made me do it!
③ People could have died in the fire!

I swooped down to the street and with one super strong kick broke the hydrant. Water spurted from it with such a force and up into the air and all about.
Now people had noticed me and even as there was a raging fire and water spurting out of the hydrant, they flicked out their phones and began taking pictures. I'm not sure any one had noticed the firey being, hovering a few fwets above them either, but when a strange hissing sound (kind of like the ones you get when you pour water on hot coal) came from up in the air, every one was screaming and pointing as the firey being came crashing down to the ground. The water had douced it.
I hovered over to were the thing was. It was less like fire and more like charcoal, with small flickers of red light. A tell tale of reheating. I came closer, wet, my mask, which covered every part of my head, save my eyes and hair, was wet and highly uncomfortable....... I was in a bad mood.
"What are you?" I said kicking it.
It flew a few feet away due to the kick, I hovered next to it as it was writhing.
Female....my senses screamed, don't hurt female.
I cursed high school and my over active hormones, now I couldn't do my job with out wondering if I was hurting a girl too much.
I noticed its features now, they weren't clear. The eyes were nothing more than a shallow depression, the nose nothing more than a rise.....no nostrils.
The lips had no partings, the ears were just shapes at the side of its head. I noticed the rise on its chest, breasts, the curve in the waist, the slenderness of its legs.Female.
It had features but no details.
It's head was round, as if bald and it turned to me as it lay on the ground.
I could tell it was looking at me with pain and anguish, even if it had no eyes, something about its body language said so, plus even if it had no eyes, the ridges over the halows it had for eyes, were tell tales of its emotion.
"What are you?" I groaned again
It made no sound, but tried to sit up. I kicked it again, softer this time , but all the same- painful.
It looked around, as if confused and then collapsed on to the ground once more. Then the fire went out on the building and so did the fire on it.
It was a woman, in fact.
She was dressed in a sky blue checkered, short sleeves button up shirt and over a white long sleeved shirt, jeans and tennis shoes.
Her hair was a dirty blonde, cut low in that kind of style you see Justin beiber and miley Cyrus sporting.
Her lips were a bloody red with lip stick and her eyes circled with dark rings.
Even as she was out cold, I still felt a serious hate towards her.(yes- we have progressed from it to her)

The police and Mighty Meg showed up a few minutes later, the fire fighters next. There was no need to come but they showed up anyway, so it wouldn't seem like us hero's did all the work. Which I will admit, we don't.
"Hey" Meg said with a hype to her voice. Her suit was black and pink. She had no cape. Black spandex hung to her shape and pink made a diagonal slash across her abdomen.....yah we can't figure out who had the idea first, but its pretty cool being cousins and all. Every one of the public suspects that Mighty Meg and steel are related, some say we're married even.....so weird- people trying to guess what life we have out side our super hero life.

"Hey to you too" I nodded her way, I was monitoring the culprit. She was in nano-cuffs (cuffs for super powered civilians), as the paramedics did the job of checking her up.
She was still out, but I wasn't taking any chances.
Meg spotted the cuffs.
"Really steel?" She scoffed "she's out cold"
"She set a place on fire"
"She's a mutant, she could be new to this thing"
"She has a flu," one of the paramedics checking the girl said."it's bad"
Meg gave me a look through her mask, even our masks were identical. Her brown, wavy, full hair toppled over her shoulders, some getting in her face.
Her look said I told you so.
On sign that a person has been infected is a flu......or at least a problem like a flu.
"We'll take it from here" I told the paramedics.
Meg lifted the girl off the stretcher, effortlessly....why wouldn't she?
She had super strenght, super hearing,the ability to fly and self healing.
"Let's move" she said rising up into the air.
I followed her.
"Do you ever get tired?" I asked as the wind howled in my ears.
"Of flying?" She nodded "I go through the very smart shit you go through, except, I'm super strong, so it hardly hurts"
The girl in her hold moaned.
"She's waking up" I nodded to the girl.
"Yah,"Meg said " she is....we need to keep her under so she doesn't know we are going to your place"

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