I remember the first time I saved some one. It was my first ever mission. I was nineteen and I had saved peoples lives numerous times,I'd saved people from drowning, I'd saved a kid in a fire, I had found a guy commuting suicide, I had saved Ellen's dad from thugs, I had saved the girl living across my street from sexusal predators, but I'd done all that as Tucker Langston and with out any powers what so ever(except maybe my awesome jumping and fighting skills).
The first time steel had saved someone, was on a Friday.
I had just decided I wanted to be a hero, heck I had dropped out of college and prepared myself. I prepared to give myself over to permanent community service. It was a Friday and I was headed to a club, a bag pack stuffed with booze and my newly made suit, slung over my shoulders.
I couldn't get drunk didn't mean I wouldn't meet up with my pals and hang. I would drink all night, just for the fun of it.
As I walked down the street, I heard gun shots, it sounded like it was coming from on top of a building.
I flew up there quickly and found a way to keep my self concealed even as I was hovering.
It was a guy in a hoodie. He had a superman insignia on the black shirt he was wearing inside the black hoody. Looking back I can't believe the irony of his outfit. He was sitting on some stacked crates. Two people stood a few metres away from him, shaking and scared the fuck out of their minds.
I wanted to understand what was going on.
"You motherfuckers took every thing from me!" The guy in the hoody said.
The two people were men, they were in regular work cloths like they had been swiped from their offices.
"What were you thinking?" Hoodie guy said again his voice had so much agony in it
The two men said nothing, they just shook and stared at the gun that was floating in mid air, safety off.
"Answer me!" Hoodie said again.
"We were just kids" one guy said
"Yah" the other followed.
"You were my age!" Hoodie screamed "you killed my parents purely for fun!"
I paused, should I really get involved?
"We're sorry"
The two men chorused, fear can really make you sound like turd.
"No you aren't, you are just scared for your lives, look at you two." Hoodie gave a disgusted scoff.
"Look man, I was a kid," one guy said "a total creep, I killed for fun and that doesn't make me any better than the devil. What ever it takes to right this wrong to you, I'm ready"
I raised a brow at this, they might have been here for a very long time. I wouldn't know. I remember that that guy wore a blue and grey tie, his shirt was sky blue and his pants where grey and creased. He looked so meek and remorseful.
Hoodie was crying. "Nothing you do will be enough" he shook his head.
The guy walked towards the gun in the air, which I could tell was being held up by Mr hoddie with some kind of power. The guy pulled it out of the air. Hoddie looked horrified, but satisfied when it happened. The other guy crumpled to his knees and began to pray for mercy.
The blue and grey tie guy had pulled the trigger on him self.
Hoodie shook his head.
" so you're the one who planned it" he said looking up at the other guy still alive. "He was innocent yet he felt guilt so he killed him self, and you're here shaking in your panties"
Hoodie made the gun come up in the air and away from blue and grey tie.
The gun floated dangerously close to the guys ear so I stepped in.
"Hey!" I shouted. I had put on my suit and was ready for action.
Hoddie looked at me, his eyes swollen from crying.
"What are you supposed to be?" He groaned.
"Look, guy" I began "I know they did something wrong and that you think the only way to level things up is revenge, but trust me, it never helps. You don't want to be the bad guy here""You think I'm the bad guy here?" Hoddie got up from the crates he was sitting on "you think I'm a bad guy? I save peoples lives!"
"Then what about these people?" I said "what about their lives?"
"They should be in jail and I have no evidence of what they did to my parents" he said "so I'm going after them......hell is a kind of prison right?"
I had given the captive a sign, telling him to go while I distracted Hoddie.
Hoddie noticed.
His face was distorted with anger as he raised his hand and got the guy air borne.
"Look guy!" I tried again," you say you save people, it means you are better than this. Don't let the past define you"
"Then what am I to use these powers for?"
"Help the world!"
"I am helping" hoddie growled "by wiping this scums off the face of the earth"
The terrified man had passed out mid air and was now floating dangerously off the edge.
"What's your name?" I tried once again to reason.
"Barry," he said and let the guy drop "Barry Avery"
I flew after the falling man, pushing my self to the limit. I grabbed the man just as he was about to hit the pavement. Now a crowd had gathered at the bottom of the building, all around the street, people had their phones out and where taping the stuff.
I looked up the building, at Barry, who was looking quite rattled and surprised. He timidly backed away from the edge of the building where all the flashing lights of cameras would get Jim.
That was how Barry became a villain.
Over the course of weeks Barry tried to help me save people. They only rejected him. I understood and tried to explain to the public. They were already scared of him.

AdventureIn a world where superheros are the moulds of society, the stability of the world as we know it rests on the shoulders of a very smart, but relatively new hero. Steel is the guardian and protector of Maston, a business-like and very unappreciative c...