Chapter 20 - Errai's Escape

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Chapter 20 - Errai's Escape

On the other side of the lake, Joshua stopped up. He could see Yildun in the distance, and the knowledge that they weren’t far off now, made him well pleased.

“What’s up?” she asked. He looked over at her; she was so different from what he had expected. Granted, he didn’t know what to expect, or if he even had expected anything, yet he knew that if he had—this wasn’t it.

Her dark brown eyes met his, and he felt a rush to his stomach. Annabell’s eyes… It was a surrealistic thing; he could see so much of his former partner, his best friend, in her. But as he stared at all of her, he could see nothing but a stranger. Even the way she blushed was different from what he had grown to love.

He shook his head in denial—this wasn’t Annabell. This woman, beautiful as she looked, wasn’t his Annabell. He continued to walk after her, looking at her energized form.

The white dress—something that still didn’t make sense to him hugged her curves. Her slender body walked with a grace that Annabell had lacked. Not once had he been forced to catch her, even though, the dress should have ensnared her movements.

“So, any plans on what to tell the elders?” Joshua asked. It was something he had wanted to ask for a long time. Vega looked at him.

“I thought you took care of the technicalities,” she said.

“What?” Joshua screeched, watching her with apprehension filled eyes, she laughed at that. Her laughter cause a tingling to erupt from his stomach.

“No, Silly, I’m joking… Relax,” she said and looked ahead.

“So, you have an idea?” he repeated.

“I’m thinking of making them fess up about the war, tell them that I know of it, and then tell them about the black holes. They should be able to help,” she explained.

“I thought you didn’t want to talk to them?” Joshua asked, his own stomach turning, this time in fear, when he remembered the letter from his father, the piece of paper that told him about the birth of Miriam and Annabel.

“I didn’t. Well, not at first... But I thought it over, they are naturally gifted in some way, and they have promised to serve and protect Astron,” she said and shrugged.

Joshua didn’t answer to that. They needed to speak with the elders. He knew that much. He just wished that he could keep Vega away from them. The faith she had in their promise was something he lacked. The memory of Blake’s taunting voice, telling him that Astron was facing annihilation, haunted him. He had no desire to put Vega anywhere near Errai—or any of the others.

They were walking through the outskirts of the city of Yildun. He shook his head and contemplated what to do—it wouldn’t do them any good if he were consumed in thoughts about things he didn’t have the ability to change.

Vega pointed excited at the massive temple that towered over every other building in the city.

“Veronica helped design that one!” she exclaimed. Joshua didn’t know how to respond, he just nodded.

Every citizen in all of Astron knew of that temple, it was the throne of the Elders. It was built on grounds devoted to the Stars but only for the Elders to step inside, which caused a problem for them.

For a person to be granted access, they had to seek an audience—a process that usually took months to go through. Here, they were trying to cut the line. He wasn’t sure how they would manage, but he knew that they would succeed.

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