Chapter 7 - The Ultimate Love Story

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Chapter 7 – The Ultimate Love Story

Rays of sunlight landed straight on Miriam’s face. Groaning, she kept trying to avoid the light. Her neck was drenched with sweat, and it made her hair stick to her skin. She rolled over and squealed when she got too close to the edge. She stared at the ceiling, and tried to detect any soreness in her body. Squirming a little, she soon discovered that nothing had changed—she was still in pain. Sighing, she sat upright.

Her shadow on the floor told her that her hair resembled a bird nest in ways she'd never wished for. Attempting to comb it with her fingers, she winced at the strain on her muscles, cursing the uncooperative knots that wouldn’t do as she pleased. Frowning at the blonde locks falling in front of her eyes, she found it difficult to focus on her looks as the previous night’s dream played continuously in her mind.

She had been in a peaceful clearing. The sun shone brightly, casting beams through the trees, giving everything an eerie glow. Birds chirped and even the most timid woodland creatures ventured near. She sat on the ground admiring the beauty of it all. Without apparent cause, the animals scattered, startled by something unseen. She tensed, waiting for a nightmare to unfold, when out of the tree line walked a Star Lion. Proud and glorious, the majestic creature strode over to her and bowed. Sunlight danced of the beast’s bright white fur almost blinding her. The last image before waking up was of the Star Lion staring directly into her eyes, and she felt totally at ease.

Miriam had read about Star Lions before. According to the long outdated texts, they were nearly extinct. As far as she was concerned, they were little more than myth and fairy tale. She had never heard anyone speak of seeing one. The fact that her dream had seemed so real, only made her sad as it created a burning desire to encounter such a creature. It was one of her biggest wishes—apart from being healthy.

Perhaps I should study them again; the library must have more articles about Star Lions that I haven’t read yet…The thought of her literate sanctuary reminded her of the book from last night. It was now located beneath the bed.

Thoughts of the missing pages once again entered her mind, and the belief that it was something significant hadn’t disappeared either. She needed to see them.

Miriam was lost in thought when a soft knock came from the door.

“Enter,” she said.

 Francesca—the youngest maid of the staff—came in with a tray of food.

“Good morning, Miss,” she chirped happily. Miriam couldn’t help but to smile at the girl’s carefree personality.

“Did you rest well, Miss?” Francesca asked as she sat the tray in front of Miriam.

“Yes, Chess, thank you. I did. What about you?” Miriam responded and looked over the delicious looking breakfast, taking some grapes she looked at Francesca.

“Oh Miss, you know me, I always sleep like a rock. I can’t believe how soft our beds are here. They are so comfortable. Every morning I struggle to even get out of it.” Francesca beamed, and a wide grin erupted on her face. The freckles that were carelessly strewn across her nose showed that she was fond of being outside.

“I am very happy to know you like it here,” Miriam said sincerely and chewed on another grape.

“I am very happy here. I wish I could stay here forever!” Francesca exclaimed with delight.

“I am sure you can.”

“I hope so, Miss. I’ll leave you now; I’ll be back again in thirty minutes to pick up the tray. Enjoy your breakfast.” She curtsied and left Miriam to finish her breakfast.

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