Chapter 13 - The Prophecy

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Chapter 13 – The Prophecy

The burning is gone, Miriam thought as she woke up. She felt relieved – although sore and exhausted. Whatever Blake did earlier, must have worked.

The thought of Blake made her bounce up and look around in confusion. Where is he? She was sure that he had been beside her when she fell asleep. When did he leave? Frowning, she slowly stood from her bed. She took in her appearances in the large mirror. The bird nest on top of her head would be a pain to comb out. At her vain thoughts, she couldn’t hide a small smile – Never before had she been that awful, and still be able to smile. I blame Blake.

Miriam wasn’t bothered about her unusual pale, almost colorless skin. For the first time in an awful long time, she was able to stand up and get ready without any help. In a sense, she felt like things were now up to her, even if for such a short time.

After fixing up her looks, she stood in her room stretching her limbs. Lying down all day yesterday had made her body feel stiff and she needed to shake off the numbness. As she squatted down, her eyes fell on the book that was pushed under the bed. Not wanting to think about the fact that she was adopted - or any of the other mess currently in her life - she remembered the missing pages.

She still wanted to get a look at those. Her gut once again told her that those pages were essential. I have to find them.

Tripping down the hall, and down to the kitchen, she smiled at every person she met. They rewarded her with a big smile in return. All of them were happy to see her on her legs again. Yesterday’s events had left them all scared and to see her up and functioning, made the tension…easier, for both parts. Yeah, I can see it in your faces. All relieved, huh? The change in her thoughts was something different. Despite her exhaustion, she felt energized and whole. It’s like something has finally been put in place.

“Madam Hertz is out for the day, Miss,” Christina informed her. Miriam took a seat at the table and gave the girl a single nod in response.

Breakfast was served and she was left alone. At first, she had hoped that the maids would be around to talk with her during breakfast, though, when they didn’t, she took this opportunity to think up a plan for today. She was glad they had left in such a hurry. I guess they think I need time to be alone. Well, they are right.

The fact that her mother was away for the day meant she could resume her snooping. She had to find the key to the drawer in Veronica’s private study. I should continue looking in Ma’s private chambers since she’s gone for the day – I won’t be disturbed.

Her good mood helped her not to come across as shady. Miriam strolled freely throughout the house, smiling to all of the employees, and finally just casually slipped inside her mother’s bedroom.

She went straight to the small table and opened the secret drawer. It was empty at first sight, and she felt her heart sink a little. Panicking a little, she stuck a finger in there. Perhaps it’s in the back. Something was taped to the top. Wow. Ma genuinely doesn’t want me to find this. A moment of shame flashed through her, but the thoughts were quickly forgotten.

Miriam struggled to get it out, but finally managed to make it fall out on the floor. She picked it up and scrutinized it. The key was a silver one; the way it was formed made it seem both modern and old style.

Gripping it tightly, she ran excitedly to the library, almost tripping over her own feet. Her heartbeat thumped at a frantic pace when finally she stepped behind the curtain. Nothing had changed since the last time she had been here. It didn’t even look as if her mother had put a foot in here for a while. Dust had gathered on her mother’s desk, which surprised her. Veronica Hertz had always disliked dust. In fact, she disliked when things were unclean in general—something Miriam had witnessed many times during her childhood.

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