Chapter 19 - Vega

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Chapter 19 - Vega

Awareness came back, and she realized that she was floating. Diving in the waves of the luminous plethora of colors, she could reach the stars in this form. It was heaven. There was nothing to worry about at all. In fact, there weren’t any matter of importance. She was free, and that was all that mattered.

This was bliss; this was what she was meant to do. The sense of spiraling down overcame her and she tried hard to fight it off. She didn’t want to stop floating.

Something unpleasant interrupted her solitude. She wanted it to be gone; she willed it to go away. Realization hit her promptly—she knew that sound.

It’s a heartbeat. 

She frowned. How could her heart beat at such a frantic pace? She didn’t have a heart.

Not long after, the impression came flooding in. A leg began to itch. Frowning, she attempted to reach down and scratch it.

Her eyes sprung open when the events registered—she could feel! There were legs, and arms. All of her limbs were intact. She raised her hands in the air, assessing the foreign body parts. They were clean, and the skin was healed. She vaguely remembered having her knuckles cracked open. She turned the hand around slowly; there was no indication of scars anywhere.

The memories didn’t mix well with the reality. This wasn’t her body.

Where am I? Who am I? She jerked up, and saw that she was still in the clearing. Signs of the battle were still visible around her. The blood-splattered land was now back to its normal color. Joshua’s motionless body was still lying to her right. His open eyes were staring at her with no emotion, no life—nothing.

Joshua… depression started to appear along with her confusion. Had it all been for nothing?

On shaky legs, she attempted to stand. She tried to walk, but something stopped her. Looking down, she discovered that she was wearing a dress; a long white silk dress covered her body. The sight made her gag—too feminine for her taste. But it was still pretty, she had to admit that. The wide variety of opinions inside her head screamed at her.

The body wasn’t hers, but, did it truly matter? It was hers to control and use now. Was this the afterlife?

Is this my destiny? She looked to the sky. The clear blue gave her no answer to her questions and Solem wasn’t to be seen either.

A warm breeze caught her hair, whipping fiery red strands around her head.

Red… Is my hair red?

The long locks that she didn’t recognize blew gracefully in the wind. She grabbed it carefully and studied the color with interest.

‘Joshua… Save… Joshua…’

She jerked up at the sound. Turning on the spot, she surveyed the area. Where did that voice come from? A faint memory of a mental link surfaced. Was that it?

Her eyes fell on the dead body. Once it held so much life—Joshua’s life. She simply stared at him. Could I have saved him? She wanted to keep him. Hesitating slightly, she took a step. The ground shook beneath her, and she crashed down face first. Her hands caught her, and she watched with wide eyes as her honey colored hands began to glow. In that split second, her mind opened up. She knew how to save him.

Pushing herself off the ground, she walked over to him, this time with nothing but determination filling her. She kneeled beside him. His face was battered and bruised, dried blood stuck to the corner of his mouth, and his skin had turned slightly blue. It was embarrassing to admit, but the signs of death did nothing to hide his handsome features.

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