Chapter 15 - The Break-out

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Chapter 15 – The Break-out

Miriam’s palms were sweaty. She kept drying them off in the fabric of her pants, unable to keep them still. Looking down, she surveyed the sores on her knuckles: they had healed quickly. Absentmindedly she started to roll her thumbs as she fought to remain patient.

Why didn't Blake say anything?

The air in the library was awkward as she sat there, waiting for him to respond. She had explained the deal with Annabell in the clearest way she could manage. As she looked towards Blake, she was sure he must think she had lost her marbles. He was staring at her with an odd expression.

“So… You’re saying that your sister, which you’ve found through a telepathic link, is coming to bust you out?” he asked. He opened and closed his mouth constantly before continuing his speech, “And that we have to come up with a plan so we can leave with them to Yildun?”

“Yes.” She nodded in response.

It was clear that he didn’t believe his own ears, in fact, when he put it like that, Miriam also had trouble believing it. The whole thing didn’t make any sense. Although, she figured that if she could accept invisible attackers, then the thought of her having a sister wasn’t too far to grasp.

She hadn’t mentioned the prophecy she found, nor had she mentioned how Annabell seemed to believe that it involved her. It was a vital part, yet somehow she managed to skirt around it. Now she contemplated how to go about this.

Her mother wouldn’t let her leave the grounds—that much she knew. It was highly unlikely that Annabell and Joshua would be given access too.

If Miriam knew anything, it was that Veronica Hertz had standards and limitations; despite being the kindest and wisest woman, she was also harsh and unyielding. It was needed when she travelled among the elite of Kokab.

Annabell had been present in her head for most of the day; they were on their way and with each passing hour, they came closer to Villa Hertz. Miriam scolded herself for not telling Blake yesterday. If she had been wiser, they wouldn’t be under such a time constraint. She couldn’t even explain why she hadn’t told him. Exhaustion was a reason, but also Annabell’s hesitation bothered her.

Shaking her head to clear her mind, she refocused on Blake.

“Do you have any ideas?” she asked.

“Well, depending on when they will be here, it will probably be easiest if it will be at night. That way everyone will be asleep, and the darkness will cover you. In my opinion you will have a better chance of running away there,” he said and looked down.

Miriam frowned.

“What do you mean, ‘I will have a better chance?’ You are coming with me aren’t you?” she asked. Panic spread through her.

He has to come… I don’t want to be alone.

“You want me to join you?” he asked surprised.

“Yes!” she answered.

Blake smiled a dreamy smile before nodding, “Okay then, I’ll join. Now, how are we going to this?”

No ideas came to mind.

“I’ve never done anything like this before,” she admitted.

“I’ve snuck out plenty of times,” he said with a wicked grin. He winked once before continuing, “How is the security at night?”

“Well Ma' has guards up all over the place, only a few places aren’t, and none of them make it easy to get out into the city. The main gate is the quickest route away from here.”

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