Ch.13: A Titaness Tries to Kill Me

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Once I reach the camp site, I immediately grab my backpack. Jack stands up and walks over to me with a confused expression.

"Ambrosia? What's going on? Where's my father?" he asks.

"I don't want to talk about it. We need to go though. I don't want to be here anymore." I start walking down the rocky path to get to the city.

Footsteps come from behind me and I realize everyone is following me. Thank the gods they aren't questioning. Someone walks next to me and I groan internally.

"Jack, I don't wanna talk about-"

"I'm not a boy, Ambrosia." Dianthe giggles.

"Sorry... I thought you were Jack..." I mumble.

"It's alright... You don't even want to have girl talk? Don't worry I told Jack to distract Theo." She winks.

I turn around to see Jack on Theo's back. Theo struggles to walk while having the funniest and cutest grumpy face ever. I sigh, turning back to Dianthe who is frowning. I shouldn't even be thinking of him anymore...

"What?" I ask her.

"You guys were so perfect together even if you weren't dating. Oh, Ambrosia, it's not my place to tell you myself, but I can say that you need to hear him out, okay?".

My mouth opens to say something but I close it, speechless. Should I really talk to him? Looking at Theo makes my heart aches right away so I whip my head back around immediately. No, I can't. I'd only cry.

"Hey guys? Since we still have two whole days left to defeat Asteria, can we go look at the Eiffel tower?" I ask politely when we reach the main city.

Jack, who is now walking on his own, and Dianthe look at each other then nod.

"Sure. Why not?" And we can rest there till dawn." Dianthe says.

"WHOO HOO!" I run towards it and scream into the night as I do a back tuck.

I start laughing as I spin in circles. In all my excitement, I trip and fall onto my back but laugh as I do so. Dianthe and Jack lay on either side of me and smile at my happiness. Theo hovers over me and smirks.

"What happened to looking at the Eiffel tower, Minnie?" he asks.

"Damn, Newton. Can't I have a little fun at the same time?!" I grit my teeth then stand up and walk away.

"Then can I explain?!" he calls.

I whip around and walk towards him with an angry face. He's still glaring back which means he didn't get just me mad, but I got him mad as well.

"Explain what, Theo? Why you're being such an asshole?!" I smile fakely.

"Well I would explain if you'd let me!"

Did he just admit he's being an asshole? My face softens and I feel so guilty. I am about to apologize when something grabs me by my flannel.

"Ambrosia, duck your head and be ready to land!" Jack yells, aiming his bow towards me.

As soon as he says that, he launches the arrow and I do as told. Lowering my head, I notice how high I am in the air, making my eyes widen. I scream as the creature lets go of me and I free fall. Closing my eyes tightly, I hug my knees while screaming my head off. I have a fear of heights and falling from this high doesn't help at all. I really think I'm going to die.

"Help." I whisper calmly.

I usually don't ask for help so this is new to me. Then, I feel arms wrap around me. I am hyperventilating by this time so when my eyes open to see who caught me, I almost faint. Theo stares back at me with fear.

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