Ch. 16: I Break the Curse

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"Well guys, I have good news! You have been invited to Olympus!" Hermes says smiling big, once we we've settled down.

"By whom?" Dianthe asks.

"By her father." He looks at me.

"My father? You mean Poseidon?"

"Yes, dear."

I open my mouth in shock. Am I in trouble? Or is he going to congratulate us?

"Okay everybody hold hands! We are going to teleport there!" he smiles.

I grab Jack and Dianthe's hands. Theo pouts, seeing he was too late to grab my hand and I scowl a bit. Hermes waves his hand and we appear in front of the Empire State Building. I raise an eyebrow in confusion.

"Why are we in New York?" Jack asks.

"This is where Olympus is." Hermes points up, "On the six hundredth floor. Good luck! Oh and by the way you are receiving gifts." He winks then disappears.

I look towards the building. Better to go now than never. We walk in and a man is sitting at a desk. Theo sets a drachma on the desk and the man nods then points to the back.

"Thank you." Theo nods his head in thanks then walks towards the back.

Jack and I look at each other with a raised eyebrow, but shrug it off. We enter the elevator and I see Theo press a button. The elevator then moves and weird music comes on. My foot taps to the beat in attempt to make the silence less awkward, but it doesn't help. As soon as the doors open, my eyes widen and I gasp. You know how I kept saying other places were beautiful during the quest? Yeah, well those were nothing compared to Olympus. The place is huge and joyful. I love it! I see a big building and decide to run towards it. The others run after me telling me to slow down, but I am so mesmerized by the beauty that I can't wait to see it up close. Walking into the big building, I gasp at what I see. My neck cranes as I look up and see giant people before me. I realize they are the gods. For a moment, I almost forget I am here since I am so amazed at how tall they can get. Looking over at Jack, I notice him kneeling. My eyes wander to Theo and Dianthe to see them doing the same. I widen my eyes then bow at the gods too.

"No need for that, Ambrosia." Says a strangely familiar voice.

I look up to see a man with eyes like the sea. His smile is calm and he is pretty tan. His hair is black like Percy's. I automatically know this man is my father.

"Lord Poseidon..." I nod my head at him.

Someone clears their throat as thunder rumbles. I look to see a man with a lighting bolt in his hand, looking about the room innocently, everywhere but me. I smile.

"Sorry... Lord Zeus." I bow in greeting.

"Ambrosia." He nods at me.

My father begins to smile at me. Percy was right. His is pretty unpredictable... Like the sea...

"Father... I-"

"No need to explain, sweetie... Hermes here explained everything." Poseidon says.

Hermes gives me two thumbs up, making me smile. He smiles back at the gesture.

"Lord Hermes... Might I recall, you said something about gifts?" Dianthe says.

Artemis smiles slightly at the ex-huntress. Even though Dianthe broke her oath to Artemis, Artemis still respects her decision. I like Artemis even more for that.

"Dianthe Goodman... How wonderful it is to see you again." Artemis says calmly.

"My lady! I'm so sorry-" Dianthe starts to explain herself but gets cut off.

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