Ch.12: Apollo Tells Me He Loves Me

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Ambrosia's POV


"Bye Sabrina!" I smile and hug her goodbye.

"Thank you so much for getting me out of that cave, Ambrosia! I can't thank you enough." Sabrina squeezes me tight.

"No bigee." I wink, ruffling her hair.

The others clear their throats and I look at them. They start whistling and looking everywhere but Sabrina and me. I giggle. They want credit for the rescue too. Sabrina's face flushes then she hugs me once more. She pulls away and waves then quickly runs towards her flight. I watch her until she's lost in the crowd of people.

"Come on, Delia." Jack wraps on arm around my shoulder.

Sighing, I lean my head into him as we walk out the airport. Whisper yelling comes from behind us, but I shrug it off.

"Guys, why don't we sit down and eat lunch somewhere?" Dianthe suggests.

"That actually sounds nice and relaxing." I say.

We walk to the nearest restaurant where it isn't too crowded. On one side Jack and I sit together and the other Dianthe and Theo. The only bad thing about this seating arrangement is Theo sits directly across from me... Lovely. I advert his eyes the whole time, which makes it even more awkward than it already is. Theo opens his mouth to say something a couple of times but almost immediately closes it as if deciding it would be a bad idea to speak.

"Well, how's life guys?" Dianthe asks, awkwardly.

I look at Dianthe and glare. She blushes in embarrassment then hides behind the menu. Don't get me wrong, I know her intentions were good but she knows how I feel about what happened with Theo. Suddenly, the menu looks pleasing to read.

The waiter comes over within the next minute and takes our orders. When he leaves, it just gets silent again. I stare at the table, thinking, then feel a hand on mine. Jack frowns at me then mouths 'do you want to talk about it later?' I shake my head to which he nods. Jack intertwines our fingers and squeezes my hand tight. I smile slightly at the comforting gesture. Man, he's the best.

Our food comes ten minutes later. The whole time we eat, we are quiet. The only time we speak is when the waiter comes to check on us- which is twice. Once we finish, we walk out without saying a word still.

"Where to now?" Jack asks.

"Well, death roams throughout here a lot so I think we should hike back into the mountains. There's less death there than the streets." Theo exclaims.

I stare Theo down and he seems to notice. He starts walking towards me. Now's not the time, Theo.

"Ambrosia, please hear me out-"

"Really? You want to speak now?! No!" I cross my arms then face Jack.

"Mountains it is then." Coughs Dianthe.

Jack motions for me to start walking. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Theo there in shock and sadness. I bite my lip, feeling so guilty for treating him this way. But I shake my head. Theo kissed another girl almost right after me! He doesn't deserve to explain.

We continue to walk through the mountains until sunset. The silence between the four of us is deafening. It's never been so awkward before, but things happened and we can't change the past unfortunately. Once we reach a certain point of the mountain, I gasp in awe. I almost cry at the sight.

"It's so beautiful!" I mumble, covering my mouth in glee.

From this view, you can see millions of lights illuminating over a large city. I look to my right a little and my eyes widen. Right there in front of us is the Eiffel tower. It is more amazing in person than in pictures and movies.

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