Chapter One - Everything Will Better For You

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Marcy's hands shook as she struggled to zip her mangy old shorts back up. Her fingers were numb, slowly turning an angry red in the cold hotel room. She had only the old pair of fingerless gloves for protection from the winter air when she would inevitably have to venture outside again.

Marcy was dreading the god awful streets and the long walk home (if that's what you'd call the horrid hole of a place she spent her passing hours in). There wasn't much of a choice about it though. The hotel room was paid for by the man she was with. Marcy didn't know his name. All she knew was he had what she wanted, and was looking for a good time. For Marcy, that was enough. She didn't give a fuck about his family or his interests or even really whether or not he thought she was a cheap whore. God knows he would have been right if he did. Even Marcy knew she was.

Strutting up and down Sunset boulevard every night in the hopes somebody would pick her up. Marcy had been spat on, hit, tied up, and called a wonderful variety of colorful words. She was willing to do anything to get what she wanted. Her dignity had been lost a long while ago. Marcy had never thought she cared very much. So what?

Marcy combed her fingers through her faded hair. She had dyed it brown in a shopping mall bathroom. The color hadn't stayed long. Not a surprise, considering the price of the dye (free; she'd stolen it).

Marcy turned to the man, who still lay in the unmade bed. He had greasy slicked back hair and dark beady eyes. Probably in his early twenties. Much younger than her, but that didn't stop him from called her 'hun'. Fuck, was that annoying. She hated when they did that. Tried to act like her stupid fucking father or something. It was even worse if they'd just fucked. Made her feel sick to her stomach. Disgusting.

"You got the stuff?" Marcy was almost surprised by the sound of her own voice. It had become so hoarse lately. Raspy. She hadn't yet been able to work out why. Her throat always hurt after little meet ups of this sort.

The man leaned over the side of the bed and pulled his wallet from the back pocket of his jeans, which had been haphazardly thrown on the floor. From inside he took a tiny bag filled with white powder. He chucked it across the room, like it wasn't worth a thing. Marcy scrambled to catch the little bag, because to her, this was a lifeline. The thing that made the world just a little more bearable. This powder was what made everything worth it.

Without a single backward glance at the man Marcy shoved the bag deep inside her pocket and fled the room. She heard a snide 'later hun' when she had only just out the door. Before any more words could be exchanged, she was out of there. She had what she wanted. There was no reason to stick around.


Marcy walked with her hand in her pocket. She kept it curled into a fist around the precious powder. Not even in her worst nightmares did she dare lose it.

There were stares as she made her way down Sunset boulevard. She wasn't on her usual stroll. Marcy was walking as fast as her little body would take her. Her whole being was excitedly anticipating this incoming high. She just needed to get somewhere quiet.

Marcy didn't have a home. Not really. She just liked to pretend. Most recently, Marcy had been staying in an empty apartment with a couple of other people she barely knew. It wasn't warm. There was no electricity or furniture. She hadn't taken a shower in months. But hey, it was better than sleeping on the side of the road like a bum.

Marcy had forgotten to watch where she was going and had smacked right into another person's shoulder. The impact sent her stumbling to the side, tripping over her own uncoordinated feet. She fell back against the side of the building and glared at the blur of a person, who was walking away with their head down. Her eyesight had gone all funny. That happened sometimes when she had left it too long since her last hit. "Watch it asshole." Marcy shouted after them. They turned just long enough for her to violently give them the finger.

The person of which she had bumped into looked terrified, pulling their heavy coat tightly around their and scuttling to the other side of the road. Marcy huffed at their pathetic behavior. She had once been like that. A long, long time ago. Back before she'd become one with the big city and its dirty ways.

Marcy combed her fingers through her hair once more. It was a habit she had picked up after a nasty acid trip. Spiders had been crawling from her every orifice and nesting in her hair. Every now and again she had to check they weren't still there. For a while, a couple of years back, just after the trip, she'd been convinced they were going to come back. They never did.

Across the street something caught Marcy's eyes. The Whiskey A Go-Go. Empty at the moment. It was too early to open. The sun hadn't even set yet. It had been the big sign that had frozen Marcy in her spot. So familiar. She would have known it anywhere.

The sign read: Guns N Roses - 17th July

Seven years. It had been seven whole years since she had left them yet they still plagued her mind on a frequent basis. Marcy had always had a problem with living in the past. God, she missed them. She missed the life she'd had with them. And Aubrey. Was she still with Izzy? Were Duff and Steven still the best friends in the whole entire world? How was Axl? Saul?

Her breath caught at the thought of him. Five years. Five fucking years and she still loved him. He was beautiful. He was going to be in town on the 17th. Monday. Two days. Marcy had to see him. Even if it was the last time she ever did, she had to. She loved him. Did he still love her? Five years.

In all that time so much could have changed. So much did change. Marcy was a new person. A person who had to run their fingers through their hair every so often to check for spiders. A person who had sex with men who called her 'hun'. A person who didn't have a home, or a future. There wasn't much to love about March anymore. She knew that.

This was Saul she was talking about though. Beautiful Saul with scars in the crook of his elbow and the bright eyes. Marcy had scars just like those now. She'd cried when she first noticed them. Her lips tingled a little at the thought of that sweet kiss five years ago and Marcy knew she was going to get into the Whisky on the 17th. She didn't know how. There was no way for her to get tickets. But Marcy would make it happen. She needed to.


So there you have it. Clearly, there's been a huge change in Marcy since you last saw her.

Sorry if this is kinda short by the way. I wanted to keep the first chapter kinda brief so anybody new to the story wouldn't be scared off.

Hope you liked it! Please tell me what you think in the comments!! :D

Oh and by the way each chapter is going to be named after a song. It'll be kind of like a soundtrack for the story. I took the idea from hairspray-queen who used it in her story Love Bites (which you guys should totally check out by the way).
The song for this chapter is Everything Will Better For You by Keyes.

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