Chapter Two - We Are Nowhere And It's Now

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The Whisky A Go Go was busier than it had ever been before. Guns N' Roses were back in town after years of nonstop touring and had bought fans, both old and new, flocking to the venue. The place was packed. Tickets had been over sold and there was barely enough room for anybody to move.

The heavy thrum of the bass seemed to engulf Marcy's entire being as she wound her way through the thick crowd during the last song. She'd had a little trouble sneaking in without being caught by security and had consequently missed the entire set. That didn't matter though, she just needed to get backstage.

She tried to stick to the fringe of the crowd but even there Marcy was caught in a wave of bodies. The sea of people pulsed along to the beat, rendering her all but helpless as she was swept about the room.

The door backstage was in sight. Marcy knew the layout of the Whisky very vaguely. She had been there before. Only once, five and a half years ago, watching the very same band. Times had changed. Now she didn't dare look up at the stage. Not even when Axl's voice bid the crowd goodbye. She couldn't. It was as if there was some kind of force stopping her. Marcy didn't particularly want to see him anyway. Axl. Five years without him wasn't enough. An eternity apart wouldn't have erased the sound of his many I love you's from her memory. It was too deeply ingrained in Marcy's mind.

Marcy almost wondered if they could see her. And if so, would they recognize her? She certainly wouldn't have. If she were them, she wouldn't have even remembered herself.

It had been a long time after all. Somehow now seemed perfect to Marcy though. If this opportunity had arisen at any other time in her life she would've ignored it. Drugs kept her pretty occupied these days. Funny how they could do that.

By miraculous chance, Marcy was spat out of the crowd right beside the door. It seemed like fate. She laughed at herself for even thinking that. Marcy was a realist. Or at least that's what she told people.

A single burly man stood by the door. Marcy couldn't help but raise her eyebrows. There was an alarming lack of security inside the Whisky for such an important event (the outside was a different story). She had killer butterflies as she approached him. Five years and here she was. So close yet so far away.

Marcy had a whole plan set up. She knew it would work. It had gotten her backstage enough already to be sure, although other times she didn't have to put on such an act. A flood of nostalgia hit Marcy as she remembered being so avidly disgusted by people like herself at one point. Groupies. You either hated them or loved them. Marcy was on the fence about it. She wouldn't really call herself one, although she supposed she probably fell into that category. Groupies followed bands around. Worshiped them. Marcy was just in it for the fun. Plus, she wouldn't just sleep with any old famous person. She only considered it if they had something to offer.

It didn't take much to convince the bouncer of Marcy's intentions. She had dressed the part, in a revealing black dress, fishnet stockings, and wobbly high heels. They were all stolen. What else was she supposed to do? Wear her usual grungy clothes? Marcy pushed up against the bouncer a couple of times. She made sure her hand 'accidentally' brushed over the inside of his leg. He grinned, reminding Marcy of a shark, and let her on through. There was no hassle.

The hallway, while still buzzing with voices, was comparatively quiet to the rest of the Whisky. Marcy followed the source of the noise until she found herself at an open door. She stopped outside, without looking in. It was the green room. If he was still here, that'd be where he was. She doubted Saul would have left the building yet. He was always the last to leave a venue.

Marcy could hear Duff's voice inside. She wondered how long she would have to wait until somebody came out. She didn't want to see them all, only Saul. Axl was in there too. He was laughing about something with somebody whose voice Marcy didn't recognize. And then she heard him. Saul. He sounded happy. He sounded just the same as she remembered him. Her heart jumped in her chest.

"We're gonna head back to the hotel." Said the unknown person with whom Axl had been joking. Who was that? Marcy knew the band had always been so tightknit. They only ever hung out with each other. Outsiders were rare.

"See ya." Saul and Axl called back at the same time. They all laughed again, apart from Duff, who sounded like he was trying very hard to chat somebody up but it wasn't really working. Marcy found herself smiling like an idiot. He had always been such a nob.

A man emerged from the room. He didn't spare a single look in Marcy's direction, whom of which he'd nearly bowled over. His arm was draped around a barely conscious woman. She had very long legs and looked like a supermodel. Her eyes were all glazed over and she smiled sleepily at Marcy over her shoulder. The man seemed impatient and pulled her along by his side, ignoring her clear wish to stay. "C'mon Lilith."

He was undoubtedly good looking, with long dark hair and piercing gray eyes. If Marcy hadn't had her heart so set on Saul, she probably would have swooned when he glanced at her before the two disappeared off down the hallway.


Saul jumped up from his seat beside Axl. "I'm gonna go with Lilith and Gilby." He dropped his cigarette to the cold concrete floor and stamped it out beneath his foot.

Axl shrugged and kicked his feet up into the space where Saul had been sitting. "Ain't it a little early to be leaving? The party's just getting started." He chuckled at his own little joke. It was more than likely they'd just be chilling out in the green room until the security wanted them gone. Not much of a party if you'd ask him.

"Lilith-" Saul started.

Axl shook his head with a subtle roll of his eyes. He liked to think he was much past all this silly fooling around. Especially since the whole experience with Stephanie. It made him feel very grown up and wise. " I don't wanna know the details dude," Axl shrugged. Deep down he really did miss the old days, where he'd slept around. He just couldn't bring himself to do it anymore. Not when every girl reminded him of Stephanie or Marcy or Erin. "Just go."

"Whatever," Slash sent a glance over at Duff. He was talking to some girl, who was quite frankly out of his league. They were seemingly engrossed in the conversation. Slash decided it'd be best not to intrude. "Later." He said nonchalantly to Axl.

"Whatever." Axl replied, before laughing once more. It was clear the two spent far too much time together.

Slash didn't wait around to talk any longer. He stepped out into the cool, quiet corridor and paused a moment, gathering his bearings. Gilby and Lilith would've gone out the back door, so as to avoid a crowd. They must have taken a right then.

"Saul." A voice broke the eerie quiet in the hallway.

It took him a moment to notice the girl, standing beside the open door. She had been hidden behind if, there was no other explanation to her sudden appearance. There was no way Saul wouldn't have noticed her otherwise. She was one of those people who had a bigger than life aura. It was impossible to miss somebody like her, unless they were trying not to be found.

He stared at her for a long time. Did he know her? Why had she called him Saul? Nobody but his mom did that anymore. He didn't recognize her. Not at first.

The girl had dyed blonde hair and red lips. She had dark circles under her eyes. Her face looked worn and tired. She was thin, with hollow cheekbones and a tired smile. Her skin was unhealthy looking and there were small visible patches where it had been picked at. The surefire signs of an addict.

But beneath all of that Saul could see the girl she had once been. A beautiful young woman with forever changing, kaleidoscope eyes. Somebody who's smile was as close to perfection as Saul had ever seen. Somebody who could send many people stumbling around after her. Somebody who Saul had once loved, a long, long time ago. He'd only been a kid then.

"Don't you remember me?" Even her voice was different. And as he watched her Saul knew the only thing that hadn't changed was her eyes.
He took a small step back, almost out of disbelief. Because how could this possibly be Marcelline. His Marcelline. After all this time. He'd never thought he would see her again. He had tried to make himself forget. And he had. Sort of.

"I remember. Of course I do," Saul glanced back inside the green room. He shut the door. The others didn't need to know. He didn't want them to. It was almost childish. Like a kid who didn't want to share their toys out of spite. "How could I forget?"

Song: We Are Nowhere And It's Now - Bright Eyes

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