Chapter Nineteen - Misery

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It took Saul a while to find a safe, quiet place for him to stay with Marcy until her high blew over. The bunks weren't exactly appropriate. Nobody was around and he didn't want her to get the wrong idea. Saul would feel incredibly bad if Marcy thought he wanted to take advantage of her. The bathroom wouldn't be any good either. Marcy shouldn't have to ride the high out sitting on the cold tiled floor. Saul knew he needed to find somewhere comfortable for her to stay.

Saul ended up kicking Duff out of the living area. He didn't know how long Duff had been around but by his surprising compliance Saul realized he must have overheard a lot.

Marcy seemed rather reluctant to do anything Saul asked her to do. When he tried to help her over to the couch she just pushed him away, despite how unsteady she was on her feet. Saul knew it was probably because he'd stopped her from sleeping with Axl, which at the time had seemed like an incredibly good idea to her. Marcy could be kind of catty when she wanted to. Especially when she was high.

Saul wished she wouldn't. He was just trying to help her. Marcy was just making things more difficult for herself. It was a wonder she'd lasted so long alone out there on the streets. Sure, Saul understood that not everybody had good intentions. Yeah, maybe some people only saw her as a piece of meat. But what about the people like Saul? The people she could trust?

Had there been somebody else? Someone like Saul. There must have been. Everywhere Marcy went people were falling for her. She was just one of those people. Would she tell him if he asked? Was there somebody who just couldn't help coming back for more? Did Marcy find herself caring for them too? It must have happened. She couldn't have spent all this time waiting to reunite with Saul. Heck, Marcy probably didn't even think about him. A lot could happen in five years. Had she fallen in love? More than once? Why had she given it all up to come on tour with him?

Saul decided to stay by her while she recovered from the high. He made sure to watch Marcy closely. Whatever she'd taken had been strong and too many times he'd seen his friends die from an overdose. She didn't deserve the same fate. Because Saul had watched a guy pass out once. He'd sat there and watched as their body twitched and writhed on the floor. White froth had foamed out of his mouth. Saul hadn't known what to do. He sat there for nearly an hour afterwards, staring at the twisted body. The image of the man was etched into his mind. His eyes had opened just before he went still. Saul sat there, the dead man watching him. He just sat there. Too terrified to do anything. Saul didn't want that for Marcy. He wouldn't freeze if something happened to her. He wouldn't let her die.

Saul waited until Marcy had calmed down before he said anything. She'd been so strung out Saul doubted a conversation would be worth anything. It would've been like trying to talk to Duff. Sometimes he replied to the voice in his head rather than to the people around him. Duff said it was easy to get the two mixed up. Saul didn't really see what he meant, but he never commented on it.

"Where have you been?" He said the first words to come to mind. Saul didn't care if he sounded stupid. Marcy didn't either. She didn't care about much when she was high.

Marcy lolled her head to the side, her gaze flicking up to meet his through half closed eyes. She looked absolutely exhausted. Maybe the plush leather couch hadn't been the best choice of location if he wanted to keep her awake. "What?" Marcelline slurred. Through the craze of the past hour, she'd completely forgotten she had ever been gone. Marcy felt like she'd been back from Lafayette for days.

"Where did you go-" Saul realized she must have had a gap in her memory. The same thing had happened to him enough times for him to understand exactly how confused she must have felt. "You haven't been here since Wednesday. You never told me where you were going before you left."

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