Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

"What are you doing?" Peeta yelled into the kitchen. "I said 2 batches!"

"Sorry!" Bran called back, sounding as confused as ever.

Peeta sighed and walked back to the counter. He dropped his head onto the counter, exhausted. Peak hour had just finished, and Bran was all over himself in confusion. When the door opened and the little bell attached to it tinkled, Peeta shot up and resisted the urge to scream his lungs out. But then he saw who it was and deflated.

"Hey," Madge Undersee walked towards him. "You look pretty stressed."

"I am," Peeta laughed. "How may I help you?"

"I actually need to talk to you," Madge frowned. "I'm not really here for your goods, no matter how tempting they look."

Peeta laughed again. From what he recalled of her, the blond was actually pretty funny.

"I'll just be five more minutes," Peeta checked his watch. "We're leaving for lunch break soon, and Rye's taking over."

"Then I can get a cheese bun." Madge decided, walking towards the counter.

Peeta packed one cheese bun for her, and felt a lump in his throat. He could never forget how much Katniss loved his cheese buns, and would do anything just to get him to bake them for her. Madge took the paper bag from  him, paid for it and sat down on one of the chairs while waiting.

Peeta silently watched her anxiously check her phone while looking out of the window, all the while attending to his last two customers. Her face looked worried and he was confused. Did something happen?

After five minutes, Peeta called out to Bran to go for his break and turned the sign to 'closed', before walking to Madge.

"Hey," Peeta slid into the seat across her. "You wanted to talk? You look pretty disturbed."

Madge laughed softly before sighing.

"It's, um, partly about Katniss," Madge admits. "And partly about these weird texts I've been getting. From A."

Peeta blinked. Madge had been getting them too? Why? What the hell did A want from either of them?

"Wait. Madge, I've been getting them too." Peeta leaned forward and rested his elbows on the table.

"Do you think it's Katniss?" Madge questioned. "I always thought it couldn't be, because now she's.. dead."

"I've considered those thoughts too." Peeta responded.

"A has been trying to convince me that.." Madge swallowed nervously. "You killed Katniss."

Peeta resisted the urge to punch the wall. Instead, he gathered himself and spoke rationally to Madge.

"Look, you were Katniss's best friend, and you know more about me than any other girl in this district, and you know that," Peeta shook his head. "Why would you believe what this anonymous asshole is trying to tell you?"

Madge just sighed again.

"I wasn't sure what to believe, okay?" Madge defended herself.

"Well, now you do," Peeta leaned back in his chair. "And it's definitely not A."

Madge only kept quiet, twiddling her thumbs and sniffling. Peeta stood up and took off his apron.

"Come on, I'll walk you home."

sorry for not updating, ive been really busy 😁

i hope you guys like this chapter, it was a little filler and introduced a new character, madge undersee 👍

comment what you thought of this chapter and the outfit. pls also read the new chapter of I See You, i was quite disappointed to see one comment asking me to update.

You're not winning till you're winning 💫

-A 😘💖

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