Chapter No.3

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Melissa's POV

I need to know why does eyes are filled of sadness.

"Uh is it possible for me to enter the cell?"I ask.
The knight responds as he hands me a whistle,

"Yes Princess,here you have a whistle,just in case you need us."

I nod and smile.

I grab the whistle and wait for the knights to open the prison cells for me.

When I enter inside the cell,the smell of humidity hits my nostrils and I can barely see anything due to the lack of sunlight.

I see a figure turning around to face me,his whole face is filled with sadness.

After observing this small cell,I blurred out,"What's your name?"
The guy looks completely at me and he stands up from his wooden bed.

"My name is Harry."he says.

"OK Harry do you have anything to say to me, I'm not gonna hurt you", I inform this prisoner.

He sighs and speaks,"Yes,your highness would it be possible if you please listen to what I have to say?" I nod and smile to give him courage.

"When was the last time you visited the village Princess?,Do you know what has happened in the last 15 years?,England is falling apart,the Kings is taking too many taxes!He doesn't care about us,the villagers! Please Princess do not ignore this!"

I stay silent, I had no idea of how the villagers are living the last time I visited the villages was when I was about 6 years old. I barely remember anything! I clear my throat and speak,"What's your reason for ending up in this cell?"

He lowers his head and whispers,"I tried to steal some documents from the castle." I ask him once again,"Is there any reason why you want the Castle's documents?". This prisoner answers,"In those Documents,everything is written,including the reasons to why the King needs all that tax money."

I am very interested in what this prisoner is saying,My Dad never let me inside the Documents room,and I must find out because now I'm curious.

I smile at Harry and say,

"Harry, I will check these Documents myself and if I find what you just said is true,I will try and make a change,after all I am the future Queen of England. And nobody not even my Dad will stop me. If what you say is true you'll be treated by a meal a day!"

I look at Harry and I see a faint smile.

"Thank you Princess!"he thanks me. But I respond,"No Harry,Thank you!"

I knock on the wooden door and wait for the knights to open the cell.

I smile one more time at Harry and leave his cell with the image of his Green eyes filled with hope.

I make my way to the exit and I thank the knights for their duty.

Harry's POV

Oh my God! This is happening! The princess is really going to to help us! Thank God she is the next Queen in line!

I can't help but notice how beautiful the princess has become.When she entered my cell she was glowing in that gold dress.

She cares about us villagers, and that will make her a great Queen I just know she'll be!


Melissa's POV

I wait till everyone is asleep,I get dressed in a small black dress and cloak and ran my way to the Documents room, I enter easily because I know where my dad hid the key.

As I enter I start searching and about 20 minutes later I am face to face with the Tax document. Harry is right,my dad took Tax money from Villagers and used does money for clothing and food! How could he do such a thing!!! I put the Documents back where they were and then leave and make my way to the kitchen.

I cook Harry a big English breakfast because he deserves it. And I run my way to the prison cells.I ignore the other prisoners comments and run towards Harry's cell and I knock and open the door with the keys I took from the knight.

A few seconds later and my eyes meet Pair of sleepy green eyes. Harry looks at the food I made him and I hand him the tray with big smile.

Harry sits down and starts to eat. I start talking,"Harry you are right my dad took money from people to pays for our clothing and food!I can't believe he does these things and doesn't even care about the villagers!"

Harry moves closer to me and puts one hand on my shoulder."I can touch you right?"He asks.

I sigh in relief,"Harry to me you are a friend not a prisoner because if I were you I would do the exact same thing".

Harry sits down on his wooden bed that's actually a piece of wood with 4 legs and continues eating. I sit down next to him and say,"Sooo tell me things about yourself."

He laughs quietly and says,"Like what?"

"I don't know! Where are you from?"I ask

"I'm from central London."he says

"Oohh that's nice!"I respond

"Can I ask you something princess? "He says.

I nod but stop him before he gets to ask me anything,"Don't call me princess, call me by my real name.My name is Melissa."I smile and but my hand out for him to shake. He smiles showing his dipples! Holy Shit! he has dimples!

He shake my hand an says,"And I'm Harry"
Then he nods and asks me,"What do you wanna do in your life?"

"I wanna be the BEST Queen that England ever had!"I say excited.He smiles at my answer and says,
"I don't think we have to worry about that because you are already helping us,the villagers"

I smile and then ask him,"What about you what do you wanna do in your life?"

He shrugs and says,"I just want someone and spend the rest of my life with her.Having kids. You know basic stuff."

Harry is so basic but deeply inside I know there's a meaning to what he just answered me.

I feel super uncomfortable on this'bed'its not even a bed!

I finally say what I've been holding deeply inside."I can't believe you sleep on these beds! I'm getting all of the prisoners a real mattress and blanket. Because this is so unexpectable!"

Harry smiles to himself and I ask him,"what?"

"No I just love the way you get pumped up on some silly beds".

I sit down back again and I turn towards Harry,

"Harry you are going to be free soon I just need to sort out some things with my Dad. And you'll be free. OK?" He just smiles and I take that as a yes.

"Goodnight Harry." I say before standing up and opening the cell door and going back into the kitchen cleaning the plate and glass I gave Harry to eat and drink from.

After I'm ready I head over to my room and dress back into my nightgown. And I got knocked out when I immediately hit the bed!

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