Chapter No.17

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Melissa's POV

Today is the Day!!!

A lot has happened in the past 6 months but it was all worth it.

My Dad passed away 2 months after Harry was imprisoned. My dad was extremely ill.

Cheryl and Niall are still dating.

Zayn is still sometimes mean, but he's also a great guy he makes me laugh... I guess.

Don't worry Harry and I still talk we meet up every Friday in the woods to have a "date"...yeah that's my life now.

Married but secretly dating someone else!

Today is a very special day! Today I will announce the reduction of the taxes.

I am dressed in my black dress with crystals covering my bust. (BTW I didn't buy this dress with the villagers money,it was a gift.)

I am announcing it myself.

Zayn won't be coming because he's currently abroad visiting his parents.

I step out of the golden carriage and walked towards the stairs leading to a fountain.

Trumpets were played... faces turned at my direction and bodies bowed down.

I spot Harry.

I smile and prepare myself for the big announcement.

Fellow Citizens of Great Britain,

I , Queen Melissa the first, have a big announcement to make.

A brave gentleman has informed me of you problem with taxes.

My father was a great leader but he wasn't a great king,he didn't treat you right!

And that's why I'm here!

I'm here to change Britain even better than when it was before...

That's why I'm only excepting 10% of your money as tax.

I'm pretty sure you prefer that then 50% am I right?!

Also.... its a MUST children go to school.
Because now school is free of charge.

Anyone can learn. Girls and Boys

Hope you like the changes and uh enjoy the rest of the day.

People clapped and chanted my name!!!

I blew a kiss towards Harry and he smiled.

He's proud of me!

The rest of the day, I spent it visiting houses of citizens.

It was great seeing hope ine the villagers' eyes.


I'm soooo sorry this is short I know but right now it's exactly 00:35am sooo I'm tired! A lot!!

Hope you like my fan fic!!

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xxxx :)

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