Makoto And Haruka Adopt A Child. Well Try To...

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*Something short I came up with. Might go into a main story one day! Enjoy!*
-Author Note

"Ehh you to are men?"

"Yes." We both awsner excitedly. 

"I thought for sure you were a straight couple."

"Why would you think that?" Makoto asks politely.

"Well Haruka Nanase is a girl's name. Well to be honest so is Makoto Tachibana but I figured Haruka Nanase was the girl of the relationship."

"But we both talked to you on the phone though," Haru said a bit angered.

"I thought you two were brothers or something. You never clearly introduced that you were Makoto Tachibana and Haruka Nanase. Wait, you are not brothers, are you?"

"No we are not blood related in any way." Haru says angrily.

"OK good. I know you both are in college. Almost finished right? Maybe you should wait until-"

"You said we could adopt a child right?," Haru says almost shouting, "You said we passed with flying colors on the online tests and phone interview. We even went to that one session," Haru says pointing at the lady.

"Correction I did," Makoto says smiling.

"See that is why I thought you to were a normal couple!" The women says to us almost shouting as well, "When I asked you about your spouse, you said they couldn't show up because they had work," she says pointing angrily at Makoto.

"I did have work! And technically we aren't married. Just engaged." Haru shouts but his voice fades quietly towards the end.

"Haru really did have work and the only reason I could come was because I hurried from school right before." Makoto says softly.

The lady sighs and Haru looks like he is about to almost burst from anger.

"You said that you thought we were a normal couple. We are normal. Being gay is normal. And if you wouldn't let us adopt a child because of our preference on who we love, that is just sick. We'll raise a girl if you want, I don't care. This is what I want and this is what he wants. We both want to have a chance to raise a child. To become a family of our own. Everyone who is good enough to do that should have a chance, don't you think?"

"Haru," Makoto says softly. He never knew Haruka put this much thought into their relationship.

The lady stands there speechless.

"Please come back later when the owner is around. Until then I can't do anything," She says quietly.

"No we are not coming back," Makoto says to Haru's surprise, "We are going somewhere else and if they don't accept us then we'll keep trying. We want to have someone accept us, not pity us. Let's go Haru." Makoto then walks out the door.

Haru turns to the lady and says quietly so other people don't hear him and just her, "Fuck you for making my angel sad. I hope to never see you again. Well be great parents and you'll regret not making one of these kids here to be loved by someone who actually knows what it means to love."

And with that Haruka runs out the door after Makoto.

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