Chapter 1

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"Clary, my angel, you've got to get up," Jace said quietly while shaking clary. He loved to watch her sleep, for she was truly peaceful in sleep. Sometimes a little too peaceful he thought to himself as he noticed the small line of slobber dripping from her mouth. Jace couldn't stop himself from laughing to himself.

While Jace starred at clary fast asleep no longer trying to get her to wake up, Alec stormed into the room. "Is she awake yet?!" He half-spoke half-yelled. Clary sat bolt upright and looked around finally laying eyes on Alec. "Alec what are you doing in here?" She asked unaware of the drool running down her left cheek.

After the shock of Alec standing in her room finally went away she stood up not knowing or not caring that she was only in her bra and shorts that were almost too short to be considered shorts.

I wonder if I should make Alec get out or if she will Jace thought to himself. As he was thinking off in is own world Alec left without anyone telling him to and Jace followed behind giving clary room to get ready.

They were going to Idris for a week due to a clave meeting. Magnus is giving them exactly one hour to get ready before he was going to make the portal to the accords hall. Jace was just going to carry clary through if he couldn't get her up and ready in time.

Their hour was up twenty minutes ago and Magnus was growing impatient. "I have other clients you know," he mumbled. "We know and we are so sorry for your wait. Clarissa and Isabelle will only be a moment." Maryse stated calmly.

As if on cue clary and Isabelle walked through the door to the library laughing about something, but no one new what.

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