Chapter 24

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Magnus's pov

Those two have been out for hours now. It's 1 in the morning and their still not back! How long can ones kill demons at a club! There can't be that many can there?

I sit and wait. Nothing. Chairman meow jumps onto my lap and falls asleep. At least you're still here my friend. I thought. 

At 1:39 Alexander walked in carrying a fast asleep clary. Her eyes where red and puffy as if she had been crying. Alexander's eyes matched.

"Oh my god Alec what happened?" I half scream half whisper, trying unsuccessfully to not wake up clary. She mutters something to herself then snuggles back into Alexander's chest.

I can feel the color rush into my face. Am I getting jealous! I've never gotten jealous. Even when my girlfriend of 1867 slept with my best friend. Why now?

"Sebastian saved my life," Alec said,"but in the process got himself killed." I heard a muffled cry come from clary and Alec looked down at her, tears streaming down his cheeks.

"We burned him and that's why we were so late." Alec cried. Then walked clary to one of the guest rooms.

It took him about 10 minutes but he walked back out. His shirt was soaked through. "Alec, baby, what happened with cla-," but he didn't let me finish. "C-can we please just talk about it tomorrow?" He shot me a weak smile. "I'm so tired." He said.

I ran over to him and throw him over my shoulder and carried him to bed.

We lay there in each others arms until he finally falls asleep around 3 am. Around this time I also hear clary screaming about something. I get up, trying not to wake Alec, and walk to clary's room.

I stepped in to see clary still screaming and thrashing around on the bed. I walk over and shake her "clary," I say and she punches me in the nose. "Ow!" I say and shake her harder.

"Magnus?" She asks and I nod. "I'm sorry for waking you." She looked terrified. "Are you okay?" I ask. She shakes her head.

I think for a minute then walk out of the room back to my room. I write a note saying:

Clary woke up screaming last night! Had a nightmare I guess. Stayed in there to comfort her!


Then took peanut butter, placing it and the note on his head. Then walked back to clary's room.

As soon as I entered, she looked up. "Will you stay with me?" She asked and I nodded. Sliding into bed next to her, she curled around me and was asleep in seconds.

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