Chapter 6

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"Hi, I am Dr Lily Chao. And you are?" said Lily

"I am Amelia ."

"So, this is Miss Rebecca Lowes, she has a queried fracture to the arm and a cut above her eyebrow. How do you recommend we deal with this?"

"When I was a junior doctor i felt like talking to the patient did a lot of good, so I will start with that first. I have done all of this before i just need to follow you around and stay with you"

I don't think I am going to like her, she seems weird and does she not know that I've done what she's doing and I am now ahead of her. I hate when people belittle me.

"Hello Rebecca! I'm Doctor Hardy but you can call me Amelia. What have you been getting up too?" I asked the young girl.

"My Dad took us to the park today, and i fell off the swing" she replied with a frown on her face.

"Well, I'm sure we can get you all sorted and ready to go back home. And I bet we can even get Dad to take you some where else special!" i said, "I am just going to take a look at your arm first."

"okay" she replied seeming a bit more calm.

"The bone that I think may be fractured is your Ulna, thats the long bone down the side of your arm" i said while pointing to mine, "you'll need a plaster cast, you can chose any colour you'd like and there's even sparkles!"

"Dr Hardy. I will set up the cast things and get that done ASAP," said Lily.

"Thank you Dr Chao. Now, let's take a look at your forehead..." I said to the young girl.

As I was taking a look at her forehead a man approached us, he looked around his mid 30's. I soon realised it was her father.

"Oh Rebecca, I can't believe what's happened! Are you okay? Doctor?" Said the father

"Hello, father? Rebecca is looking okay, she's going to have to have a plaster cast on her fractured wrist for 3 weeks and luckily only paper stitches on her forehead. But, I'm just going to send her for a head CT just too make sure."

"Yes, I, her Father. Mr James Lowes. Oh poor Rebecca! At least you'll have a nice cast to show to your friends when you go back to school."

"I guess, Dr Amelia said that you'd take me out for a treat when we are done.?"

"Of course I will darling!"

"I will come back in a bit too see how your doing, Nurse Freeman will look after you until then" I said while being pleased with how in treated Rebecca.

Bless her, such a good patient! I can tell Lily doesn't like me by the way she looks at me. I will have to ask Cal or Ethan about her.

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