Chapter 5

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Liv's POV

We arrived at the pizza parlor and since it was about 11 at night, no one was really there. We all sat in a round both. Ethan wanted to sit next to Grayson and Katelyn and Grayson wanted to sit next to me and Ethan. But Kate and I wanted to sit next to Reed so we ended up splitting up the twins.

"I've never felt so far away from you Gray!" Ethan said fake crying into his hands. "Hey, hey buddy, I'm right here." Grayson said softly grabbing Ethan's hand from across the table. "Dude wtf I like girls!" Ethan said all manly like causing the table to giggle a bit. We all had small chat with each other. Kate, Ethan and Grayson were getting to knew each other and I talked to Reed about singing.

"Hey Liv, you should come with us tomorrow to Austin and sing with me!" Reed said happily. "Dude yeah! I'll ask Tiffany right now!" Grayson said. Tiffany was the director for MAGCON. (I made Tiffany up so chill ) "Well i guess I don't have a choose now do I." I laughed "Nope!" everyone at the table replied then giggled.

The waiter came and took our order, one cheese, one pepperoni and one pineapple. It came out within 5 minutes because I mean we are the only people here. We all dined in and let me tell you, if you have 5 starving teenagers and three large pizza, that shits gonna be gone in a matter of seconds. It literally took us probably 3 minutes to finish the pizzas, lol.

Gray looked down at his phone and looked back up at me. "Tiffany said she would love for you to come with us." he said with a grin. "I'll only go if Kate come though." I stated. "Oh she's going." Ethan demanded causing Kate to blush hardcore. We all laughed at her then payed and headed back to the hotel where the tour bus was. We ran up to our room and quickly packed and told Kate's mom what was happening.

"It's fine with me just be safe girls!" She said excitedly which surprised us. She's just letting two 16 year old girls on a bus with 6 guys? Well we didn't question her, we thanked her and ran down to the lobby where everyone was waiting for us.

"Hi! You must be Liv and Kate? I'm Tiffany! Well on this bus there is only 6 beds so your going to have to share with someone." Tiffany told us. "We already figured it out! Kate's gonna share with Ethan and Liv's going to share with me." Grayson said with a small smirk on his face. Hearing those words made me and Kate blush like a Tomato. We tried to hide but obviously failed. "Awe they're blushing!" Sam coed. And with that we headed towards the bus, hand and hand with the twins.

We followed the boys in the bus, it was actually pretty roomie considering how small it was. There was a small living room and a small kitchen with ramen and mac and cheese on the counters. Then there was a small hallways with on each side there were a set of 3 beds, and at the end of he hall was a bigger room, probably
Tiffany's, and a small bathroom. It was really nice. Kate and I placed our bags on the couch and headed into Tiffany's room to change into our PJ's. It is currently 1:47a.m. and I am extremely tired and by the looks of Kate, so is she.

When we got out the boys were already in bed on there phones. On one side it was Lance on top, Sam in the middle and Ethan on the bottom, then on the other side it was Jake on top, Reed in the middle and Grayson on the bottom. Kate quickly got in bed with Ethan, snuggled up and was quickly asleep. Ethan smiled at her, kissed her head and wrapped his arms around her waist then fell asleep. They were so cute, I took a quickly picture then headed to where Grayson was.

I opened the curtain to see Grayson on this phone going through Twitter. He looked up at me, smiled and scooted over. I jump into the bed, of course hitting my head on Reed's bed and fell on Grayson's bed. No one saw except Grayson who was quietly laughing at me. I quickly got under the blankets and turned so I wasn't facing him.
*Ding Din-Ding*

From: My bestie Reed😏😂❤️

Is your head okay? 😂😂

I rolled my eyes and replied

To: My bestie Reed 😏😂❤️

I hate you and your bed. 😑

"Hey that's not nice!" Reed quietly said and I just hit his bed. I felt a tap on my back so I turned around to see a shirtless Grayson. I mean I'm not complaining but didn't he have a shirt on when I first got in here. "Do you mind if I cuddled with you or is that weird?" he said shyly. "that's fine." I said calmly trying to contain my happiness. I felt his strong arms wrap around my body and I felt magical. Way better then when Liam holds me in his arms. Oh crap Liam.

"So you and this boy Liam?" Grayson said kinda sad. "How did you know about that?" I question him. I never brought Liam up. "I looked on your Instagram. I got it off of the painting." he stated. I feel like this is going to ruin the whole moment but I can't lie to Grayson, I mean it's Grayson!

"Liam is my boyfriend." I said looking into Grayson's eyes. It looked like he was hurt and it hurt me. "Oh..." he said as he loosened his arms but I wrapped mine around him. "But don't get me wrong I love you Grayson." I whispered into his ears. I could feel his heart beat quicken, then I drifted off to sleep, wrapped in Grayson's arms.


Grayson's POV

"Oh..." was the only thing that came out of my mouth. I should have know a girl like her would have a boyfriend. This Liam dude has to be the luckiest guy ever to have Liv. I was cuddling with her, I knew it was wrong but I felt so right but I have to respect that she has a boyfriend so I started to let go of her when she wrapped her arms around me. "But don't get me wrong I love you Grayson." She whispered into my ear, sending chills down my back and made my heart start to race.

I mean I have had a lot of girls tell me they love me but none of them had an effect like this. I started to play with her hair when I realized she was out like a light. I opened up Snapchat and took a cute picture of us. "Happy rn" it said. Then I put my phone on its charger and kissed Liv on the cheek. I held her close and didn't want to ever let go. "I love you too." I whispered into her ear, then quickly fell asleep.


Hola amigos! Do you think Liv's going to choose Grayson over Liam? or Liam over Grayson? She obviously loves both. Just gonna have to read more to find out!

love yall!


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