Chapter 12

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Liv's POV

I was already missing, before the night I left.  Just me and my shadow and all of my regrets, who am I...

Monday. Great, now I get the pleasure to see my thot of an ex boyfriend. I decided to set my alarm earlier then normal so I can you know look good and make that ass regret cheating on me. it's currently 6:49 a.m., shockingly I'm not tired at all. I decided to straighten my hair, Liam's favorite hairstyle of mine, My maroon sweatshirt, Liam's favorite, my adidas soccer sweats, Liam's favorite, and my maroon vans. So I pretty much put all of Liam's favorite things of mine in one bomb ass outfit and yeah, homies gonna be begging.

  Since I'm going all out why not do makeup? I mean I got like 45 more minutes before I have to leave but I usually don't wear make up unless it's an occasion. I grabbed my foundation and mascara and Chapstick and made my skin look clear and my eyelashes as long as they can go. I put of my Chapstick and grabbed my back pack and keys and headed downstairs.

  "Morning child of mine!" my mom said finishing cooking the eggs.

"Well don't you look nice today." she announced, rising an eyebrow in my direction.

  "What? Me? Why thank you birth giver." I laughed and sat down.

" Here child eat up and get to school." she placed the plate in front of me and I dug in to it.
*Ding Din-Ding*

From: Grayson...

Have a good day, tell me if Liam messes with you and me and Etin will beat his ass. Remember I love you and you can do this.

That last part, "I love you", that part sent chills down my back. I texted him back real quick just saying thanks and stuff and I headed out the door to hell.

  20 minutes later I pulled up into my normal spot, where not only Katelyn was waiting for me but at least 30 other people and out of those 30 one was Liam. I exited my car, confused to the max but everyone was cheering and clapping and congratulating me on the win. Oh now I get it.

"Liv lets go." Kate said seriously as she looked and saw Liam heading my way. I nodded quickly and grabbed her arm and walked with everyone following us. I heard Liam's voice calling me but it soon faded out as soon as we entered the school, where Kate and I headed to our first period.

  "Damn child that was close, Liam was like about to get it." She laughed as she hugged me.

"Thanks for saving me! Where's your lover boy?" I asked raising my eyebrow laughing. Kate started to blush and laugh.

  "He at my house hanging out with my parents. They wanted to get to know him a bit more I guess." She stated as we entered the class.

"Everyone take your seats!"

Grayson's POV

  She's gonna love this. I just need a few more ideas on what to write down. I decided to FaceTime Ethan since Kate and Liv are at school. After about 45 second of listening to the annoying ringing Ethan answered.

  "Hey what's up?" he said quietly.

  "Why are you whispering?" I asked quietly

  "Oh I was hanging out with Kate's parents." he laughed in his normal voice.

  "Oh I got it. Yeah I called because I need help with this. You know what these are right?" I asked as I held up the present for Liv's birthday. He nodded and asked what I need help with.

" I have 14 done I need three more." he gave me some good ideas and I finished it up and gave my mom the box to decorate with different colors of blue paints and ribbons because it's Liv's favorite color.

I went upstairs and finished packing by myself. I was hoping Ethan would keep me company but he's with Kate's parents so that is more important.

Liv's POV

  "Mr. Walker, may I use the restroom?" I said raising my hand in my English 2 class. He nodded and I left the room. I really hate English so I went to the restroom on the other side of the school, just to waste time but it wasn't a good idea.

  "Liv? Liv! Please let me explain." I walked faster, I knew who it was and I didn't wanna see him. All of a sudden I felt a hand grab my arm and turned me around, I felt a part of lips on top of mine and I got a feeling that I hated. Disgust. I push Liam off of me.

  "What the hell is your problem? Don't you understand I'm done with you? What you did is unforgivable and I can't stand you anymore." I spat at him and he looked down. I tired to walk away but he was still holding onto my arm.

  "It was a stupid mistake and you need to let it go." he said quietly. His grip on my arm got tighter and tighter and I did everything to loosen his grip.

  "Liam , please stop, your hurting me!" I cried. the pain was unbearable.

  "Your hurting me more then you did on Saturday." that's what hit him hard. He tighten his grip and I did the only thing I could. I kicked my leg back and used all my might to kick him straight in the balls. And with that Liam was on the floor, holding his crotch and whimpering.

  I quickly headed to the restroom by my class and used it quickly and  as I was about to leave and go back to class I felt a lot of pain in my arm, I rolled up my sleeve and  noticed that my arm was bruising from Liam's grip. Damn it no one can see this I thought as I rolled my sleeve down, and headed to class.


  The day had gone by fast and coach said no practice because we won and we are the champs so I got to go to Kate's house to hang out with her and Ethan. As I headed over to her house I noticed I had a text from a random number

  From: Unknown

Don't worry, I saw what happened in the hallway with Liam and I already told Kate. I wasn't sure if you would but I did just in case you were scared. Just looking out for you.

  Damnit. Now I'm going to get a lecture from Kate and Ethan. Who tf is this anyway like what the heck. I pulled up to Kate's house and unlocked the door with the key in the flower pot and headed to her room.

  "How come she didn't tell me he hurt her!"

  "Babe maybe she was going to do it when she gets here." Wrong on that one Ethan but good try.

"Are you going to tell Grayson?" She asked and I decided to knock on the door and then walk in.

"Hey guys." I said smiling as they said it back and Kate looked at me. Waiting for me to explain what happened.

  "Ugh Kate who told you?" I asked as I showed her the text message.

  "That's a secret but the real question is were you even going to tell me?"


"Yes of course!" Well what's the point now? I told them everything that's had happened.

"Can I see your arm?" Kate asked softly. I rolled up my sleeve lightly and noticed the bruising had gotten worse.

  "Oh my god that moron did that to you Liv?!" Ethan yelled as he just off of Kate's bed. I nodded my head.

  "Don't tell Gray please. Don't."

  "I can't do that." Ethan said as looking down.

  "Ethan please I can handle this myself. I don't need him to hate me even more okay. He doesn't need  to get involved and either do you okay. Promise me." I said sticking my pinky out and he slowly hooked his pinky around mine. I whisper thank you to him and he just nodded his head.

"Well what do y'all wanna do right now." I said trying to change the subject.


Hey! I know this was more of a Liv chapter but I through a little but of Grayson and Ethan in there so it should be good. lol. well the story I feel is soon coming to the good part!
Love you thanks for reading!

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