Chapter 17

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Ethan's POV

"Hey babe have you seen Grayson? I'm kinda worried. No one has seen him since the funeral." Kate asked me. I wanted to give him space but I think he needs me now. I decided to go look for him, I hope he doesn't do anything stupid tho. Me and Kate when to the guest room but there was no sign of him there. My phone started to ring and I checked and my mom was calling so I answered.

"Hello? Mom is everything okay?" I asked

"Ethan, where's Grayson?" She sounded like she was panicking and she was crying.

"Mom what's wrong? Have you talked to Grayson?" She told me about the voice mail and I dropped the phone. I froze.

"Hello Mrs. Dolan, it's me Kate, Ethan's girlfriend it everything okay?" Kate said as she picked up the phone. My mother started talking to her and she thanked her and hung up the phone. Kate ran to Liv's room and stopped. I followed slowly and saw the letter that was sitting on the bed. I picked it up and started reading.

Hey bro. I'm sorry this had to happen but I can't live like this. I love her. I've always loved her and I can't image my life without her. I love you too bromie but imagine if it was Kate. you would do the same. You've been my best friend all my life and I'm so thankful that you are my brother. I love you and I'm sorry I did this.

No no no. I dropped the letter but he wasn't in the bedroom, I checked Liv's balcony when I heard Kate scream. I turned around and saw her looking into the bathroom. I ran over to her and saw it. Grayson, my brother, my best friend, was laying in her bathtub, with his wrist cut. Bleeding out into the water. Death. He took his life. I dropped to the ground. Kate fell with me and hugged me. We started crying together. My two best friend dead, my girlfriends two best friend dead.

"I don't want to live anymore. Not without Liv and Grayson." Kate whispered. I nodded my head with her. I can't live without them. there's no way. Kate got up from our hug and walked over to the cabinet in Liv's bathroom, grabbed two bottles and came back to me.

"We don't have to." She said looking down at the bottles and handed me one. I slowly nodded and looked at her.

"Kate I love you. I know I never got to show you how much I love you. I really wouldn't like to though. Believe me baby I would love to lay you down on that bed and love you. You are my world. And if we do do this, which I agree with you on doing it. I will regret not loving you." I said to her. She looked up a me with tears in her eyes and kissed me. Passionate. I mean I know it's a sad moment but we are about to end our lives. We got up and walked over to Liv's bed and made love.


It's been four days since Grayson committed suicide, me mad Kate were now in New Jersey for his funeral. Holding each other. Getting through the it together. I couldn't do this without her. Grayson was right. I would do the same thing if Kate had died, I would have taken my own life. Me and Kate decided to move in together. She finished school early and already graduated, so we are going to move out to California. Liv and Grayson wanted all four of us to rent a house out there once the girls graduated. After the funeral we decided to go move out there at the house we all agreed on.


4 Years Later

"Daddy you're home!" My 3 year old son Grayson said as I walked there the door.

"Hey buddy!" I said as I picked him up. Me and Kate got married and bought the house that we all wanted to Liv in. We head to the living room where Kate was Breast feeding our 6 month old daughter Olivia, named after Liv. I walked over to Kate and kissed her one the cheek.

"How are my girls?" I said as I tickled Olivia and put Ethan down. Kate asked me to start dinner so I started to cook Spaghetti and meatballs, Liv and Grayson favorite food. Kate is now a doctor at the local hospital and I followed mine and Grayson's dream to become and actor. Everyday we still miss our friends but that's The Unexpected and we never know what's going to happen next. As long as my family is okay and we do all the things we promised them, our lives will be good.

That's the end of the story!!!! This is my first book ever and I'm so happy y'all got to read it! I'm grateful for all of you and I hope y'all enjoy it. I'm going to start 2 more stories one. Grayson fanfic, Somebody..., and one Ethan fanfic, Not sympathy, but I hope I did good for my first book! leave comments on people that y'all might like me to write about and I might! thank you all and I love you!

The Unexpected •A Grayson Dolan Fan Fiction•Where stories live. Discover now