Chapter 9

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Liv's POV

*Din-Ding Ding*
*Din-Ding Ding*
*Din-Ding Ding*
That's the sound that woke me up from my sleep. I was in my room asleep on the floor for some unknown reason. Kate was on my bed still asleep and my phone was blowing up. 7 Messages from Grayson. A smile creeped on my face as I unlocked my phone and saw the messages.

From: Grayson 😍☺️😏
Ugh I miss you already
I couldn't go back to sleep. hugging Ethan just isn't the same 😂
I'm at the airport and I don't want to leave because I know your here.
Liv please know you have change me for the better
You are my dream girl
Text me when you wake up chica 💁🏽
Currently in Jersey missing you.

These messages made my heart warm but sad because he's gone. It's about 11:40 a.m. and in New Jersey it is about 12:40 p.m. so he's probably not doing anything. I decided to FaceTime in after I fixed myself up a bit. I went into my bathroom to see I had mascara running down my cheeks and my makeup was everywhere. I jumped in the shower and did my normal shower routine and dried and straightened my hair so it was a big puff ball. I put mascara on and walked out. I looked over at my bed to see Kaye smiling like good at her phone.

"You texting Ethan?" I said to her laughing.

"You know it." she replied. "Where are you going?" she questioned me.

"Gonna FaceTime the twins and I gotta look nice." I explained to her and before I could say more she ran to the bathroom and told me to wait until she looked decent enough for Ethan to see her.

20 minutes later, Kate was finally out of the bathroom and I had already set up my iPad to FaceTime them. I asked Kate if she was ready and she nodded her head quickly, so I clicked Grayson's name and started the FaceTime.

"Heyyy Liv! Where's Kate?!" Ethan yelled as he answer Grayson's phone. "What Liv's calling me? Ethan give it back!" Grayson screamed in the background.

"Hey baby!" Kate yelled back at Ethan, taking my phone with her. "Hey hey no um that's my phone child." I said trying to get it back but I didn't because Kate locked herself in the guest room and I lost the key a long time ago.

I starts to head back to my room when Kate's phone started to ring so I grabbed it and saw that Ethan was trying to FaceTime her. I laughed a little and answered it to see a half awake Grayson.

"Livvvvv!" he sang in a deep tired voice.

"How are you asleep at 12:54?" I asked shaking my head at him.

"Cause when I fly I think I get like really really tired but Ethan is like the opposite, he's all *yawn* hyper and energetic." he explained to me. I just started to laugh honestly I don't know why I started laughing but I was.

"Heyy don't laugh geez girl I'm sensitive!" Gray said pulling his sheets over his head. After finally getting him to come out from under the sheets, we talked for what seemed like hours and so did Kate and Ethan. While Grayson was listening to rant on about how much I hate my algebra 2 teacher, Kate walked in with my phone ringing and a blank face.

"Um this is for you." she said as she handed me my phone. Liam was calling. I guess Grayson saw the caller ID through the phone because he said he'll give Ethan the phone so him and Kate can keep talking and with that Kate took her phone and I answered Liam's call.

"Hey Babe."
Liam called mainly to tell me he missed me and couldn't wait till I got back into town and when I told him I got home early this morning he insisted on meeting tonight.
*Din-Ding Ding*

From: Grayson😍☺️😏
Are you done yet?! I wanna know why you hate Mrs. what's her face so much!

I laughed, little things that Grayson says like that he wants to know more about a teacher of mine means a lot to me and I don't know why. I called him back, not FaceTime though because I didn't want him to see me getting ready for my date with Liam because I don't know if he will be mad at me or sad or something like that. It was about 4:30 and Liam was coming to pick me up at 5:30 so I started getting ready. While I was straight in my hair, Grayson was telling me his story, vey detailed, about how he broke his shoulder playing football. And while I was getting dressed I was explaining how I have family in Vermont which is pretty close to New Jersey. We talked until I heard the doorbell ring.

"Hey Gray I got to go, I'm gonna go have dinner with my family." I lied. I felt bad lying to him cause come on its Grayson but I have to go meet with my boyfriend.

"Oh okay have fun call me?" I told him yes afterwards and hung up. I ran to the guest room and told Kate I would be back in an hour or so and if Grayson asked I was gonna go eat with my family. She said okay and with that I grabbed my purse and headed down stairs.

"Hey baby girl I missed you!" Liam said as he hugged me tightly and gave me a small kiss. No fireworks like there used to be, it wasn't like how Grayson kisses me

"Hey I missed you too."

"How was your trip? How is my little rock star?!" he asked and he intertwined our fingers and started towards his car. No butterflies in my stomach like I used to get when me and Liam held hands, only when me and Grayson hold hands is when I get butterflies. I explained the trip as simply as I could make it, leaving out the parts about me and Grayson and Liam didn't seem to notice.

About 10 minutes later of talking about my experience, we pulled up to one of my favorite restaurants, PF Chang's. We walked into the restaurant and I guess Liam made a reservation because we were seated immediately.

"So you meet the dolan twins huh?" Liam asked after we ordered our food. "I bet that was exciting for you. I'm happy you got to meet them." He said with a smile, which surprised me because he doesn't usually like when I talk about them.

"Um yea actually I'm pretty close with them now." I said. I'm closer with Grayson more then Ethan but Liam doesn't have to know that.

"That's great! What were they like babe?" I told him how Ethan is stupid and funny and is now dating Kate and how Grayson is friendly and sweet and we were good friends now. I went on a little bit more just describing them until I saw that Liam jaw was clenching which meant he was getting jealous so I stopped.

"So what did you do while I was gone?" I asked him trying to change the subject.

"Actually I went to the Texas and A&M soccer game with some friends and it was great!" he said and started to talk about himself and how he was. Liam likes to talk about himself a lot so I just let him go on while my mind was wrapped around the thought of Grayson. To me it's a great thought and I know it's bad to think about Grayson right now while I'm on a date with Liam but I can't help it. It's Grayson.


After dinner Liam wanted to go watch a movie but I told him I was tired form the trip and I should go home to sleep but I wanted to call Grayson. So within 10 minutes we pulled up to my house and we said goodbye and I left him in his car without kissing him because it just felt wrong. As I walk through the door Kate was there with my mom and her mom and both of our dads were all sitting at the table talking and eating. I quickly joined them and we told them all about our trip and how our experiences were and how Kate and Ethan are dating now and her parents were really happy for her actually. My parents were happy for me because I sang and they loved when I would sing.

"Well it's getting pretty later and you girls have school tomorrow!" said Kate's mom so we said our goodbye and our good nights and we all went our separate ways. I went to my room of course and took all my make up off and changing into my pajamas and called Grayson. We talked until 2 a.m. which was bad for me because I had to go to school but lucky for him because he's homeschooled.

I fell asleep on the phone with him and when I woke up, he had sent me screenshots of me sleeping and I just shock my head because I sleep with my mouth open and that's not attractive.
Hey guys!! I think I'm getting back into writing again because I was on a plane and I was like I need finish like a chapter or two and I did! I still have like 3 hours until I get home so I'll probably write another chapter! and don't y'all worry the story will get better this is just stuff that will lead toward to many good and better parts! Love you guys!

The Unexpected •A Grayson Dolan Fan Fiction•Where stories live. Discover now