Chapter 16

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Present day

  Grayson's POV

  I stayed in her room all night, never looked away from her. My heart broke when I saw her attached to all those machines. The doctors said that her lung had collapsed and she can't breathe for herself, they have her on a ventilator. She has many broken bones, and she's not responding. I wish I was the one who got hit. Not her, not Liv. I hope Liam gets everything  that comes to him.

"Grayson, you should go to the house and get changed." Liv's mother said as she walked into the room. Her parents and I have been in the room with her all night, her brothers, Ethan and Kate have been in the waiting room. I decided to go home and change very quickly, I've been in my clothes all night so I'm gonna go put more comfortable clothes on. I grabbed the keys to the jeep and headed to her house.

I ran upstairs and jumped in the shower but I just started crying, for a while. I got out after an hour of just sitting there but an crawled in her bed.

I woke up about 6 hours later, my phone was blowing up with texts and calls from Kate and Ethan. Omg Liv.

Liv's POV

I could feel my body getting weaker and weaker, I could hear my family talking and crying, nurses coming in a checking up on me, doctors checking my charts. I'm having a sharp pain in my chest but I can't say anything. I can't move at all I'm just frozen still.

"Hello family, I'm Doctor Avery, I would like to ask you all to leave so I can talk to the residents and see what we can come up with to help her." My doctor said as I heard. I could feel the room slowly becoming emptier and emptier, then I heard the door open and shut.

"Someone hand me her charts." Doctor Avery said.

"She's not responsive and we can't leave her on the ventilator for much longer. She's not reacting to the medicine, there's not much we can do." said a girl, probably one of the residents. I started to feel very light headed.

"Oh no doctor she's bleeding through the tube!" A male yelled and I could feel bodies crowding around the bed and fixed my medication but then all I saw was white. Then. Nothing.
Grayson's POV

I drove as fast as I could to the hospital. Ethan and Kate just told me to get over to the hospital fast, so I was speeding. I ran through the doors when I saw Ethan and Kate crying, what's happening. Ethan saw me and I froze, he started to walk over to me. Once he reached me, he pulled me into a hug.

"I'm sorry bro. It all happened so fast." he whispered. What? I pulled him off and walked to Liv's room. All I could hear was the loud, annoying, sad beat of the machine. She's gone? No. No no no. This can't happen! I fell to the floor when I saw her, laying cold and still in the bed. My heart stopped.


Everyone was in black. This is so sad. I can't even think straight. I haven't said a word to anyone, even Ethan. It has been two days about since Liv has died and I still can't believe it. We were at the cemetery and there was about 100 people there. That's a lot for a funeral. They wanted to just invite close friends but she had so many. I saw the priest's lips move but didn't hear anything. I just stood there starting at her casket. She was so beautiful. She was wear a white dress with red roses in her hands, hair straightened and her normal makeup which she always looks beautiful in.

I didn't care, even tho the priest was standing there still talking, I walked up to her casket and pulled out the promise ring I had gotten her. I was going to give it to her after ice cream but that's did happen. I grabbed her left hand and put it on her ring finger. No one tried to stop me and I stood there the reason of the funeral. I can't live without her. I just can't.

After the funeral, they had a small get together but I went upstairs and laid in her room. I just can't. I called my mom, sister, and dad. no one picked up so I left them voice mails saying I loved them. I wrote a letter for Ethan and anyone who finds it. This is it. I love you Liv.

Wonder if he's gonna go through with it? Sorry it's a short chapter! Hope y'all are enjoying the story. might be coming to an end soon. love you guys!

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