Chapter 11

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Gray's POV
  Damn it! God damn it, I knew I shouldn't have stopped talking to Liv. Ugh I hate myself now. I can't believe I was so selfish and I left her. When Ethan told me she was going back into depression because of me I wanted to kill myself because honestly I'm in depression right now. The fact that Liv had Liam made me sick and when I talked to her it just hurt me.

It's currently February 6 at 3 a.m. and I can't stop think of her. Does she really want to forget about me like she said? Does she still love me? All these questions are hitting me so hard I started to tear up. I stopped fighting the tears a long time ago, I figured it will just make it easier.

I have to see her. I have to hold her. I have to kiss her. I have to have her.

Liv's POV
  "Ouch wtf?!" I yelled as I was rudely awoken. Ethan was kicking in his sleep and lucky for me I was the one being kicked.

"Ugh whatever." I said as I grabbed my phone and headed towards the bathroom. As I got out of bed, Ethan scooted over to Kate and hugged her and try continued to sleep. It was 7:27 a.m. and my own damn reflection scared the living day lights out of me. I had mascara running down my face, my hair was all tangled and I had huge bags under my eyes.

"Oh lord Jesus help me." I whispered as I turned on the shower, got undressed and got in the shower. I just let the hot water hit me as I thought about yesterday. Liam cheating, Grayson finally texting me, then I started tot remember my dream last night.

"But Liv I love you!" Grayson pleaded to me on his knees.

"Don't leave me I can't live without you!" he yelled.

"Grayson I can't go this anymore please. we're done." I said as I walked away. Leaving Grayson in he worst state. Grayson had gone to the local bar, used his fake ID and tried to drink his pain away but it didn't help. He went and did that every night for 3 weeks but could never drink me out of his mind. The liquor never helped him. Then that night, my world had ended.

I was sitting at home crying. What have I done? I love him. I grabbed my phone and dialed Grayson's number. 3 rings later someone answered. It wasn't Grayson.

"Hello Officer Daniels here. May I ask who is calling?"

"Um hi Officer is everything okay? I just need to talk to Grayson my um Boyfriend."

"Ma'am I think you should head over to his house. and no everything is not fine."

"Okay I'm on my way." Wtf. I grabbed my keys and ran to the car and drove. I drove like a maniac and when I pulled up there were cop cars and ambulances parked outside his house. I knocked on the door and an officer opened it for me.

"Hello Ms.Liv I am Office Daniels, um the one from the phone," I nodded, "can you please um follow me."  I followed him and noticed all the policemen that were there were lined up by the wall with their hats off. This isn't good.

I followed him up to Grayson's room where I saw him. Dead, with a bullet hole through his head with the gun in one hand and in the other a note that killed me on the inside.

"I'll love her until I die."

I dropped to the floor and grabbed his hand. I love him. How could I have done this. How could I make a person so perfect as Grayson kill himself. The officers picked me up an told me to go home which wasn't a good idea.

I went to the bar and drank. I drank unlike I couldn't feel pain anymore. I wanted to drain the thought of Grayson and the thought of my broken heart and I wanted to stop hating myself but it just got worse.

I went on 3 more months like that. I went to his funeral, which was by our tree which had our initials carved into it with a heart. And that night I joined him. I went home, grabbed my gun, went to my bed and lied down looking at a picture of us. We were at Malibu on the beach.

"I'll love him until I die." I whispered and pulled the trigger.

"Liv? Liv are you okay? Why are you crying?" Ethan yelled through the door. I was on the floor of the shower curled up in a ball, crying loudly not even noticing it.

"What? Yeah sorry was just thinking." I said trying to calm down.

"Well when your done someone would like to check up on you. Liv I just wanna say pretty girls like you shouldn't be going through this." Kate said as she poked her head into the room.

I finished my shower and just through on some sweats and an oversize shirt and braided my wet hair. I don't want to do anything today. I just wanna be with my thoughts and my friends today. I walked out of the bathroom and Kate pulled me into a hug.

"If you don't want to talk to him you can hang up. He had a rough night and an awful dream okay?" I was confused and we walked into my room.

"Grayson calm down what happened in your dream." Ethan said trying to calm him down.

"I had broken up with Liv and she started drinking and one night she shot herself with a note that said
"I'll love him till I die." which made me started drinking and I shot myself while holding a picture of us on some beach and we were both berried under a tree that had..."

"Our initials carved into it with a heart." I said as I cut him off and walked into the screen frame. Him. Grayson. He looked awful just like me but eh was still perfect. His hair was messy, he had huge bags and red eyes, like me.

"Did you have that dream too?" he asked quietly. I nodded. I told him that was why I was in the shower so long. I had been crying.

"We'll leave you guys alone. You two need to catch up." Ethan said as he took Kate's hand and headed out of my room. Me and Grayson talked but only for a little while. Mainly just to check up and make sure that we were fine.

"Liv can you promise me something." Grayson said looking straight into the screen.

"Anything what's up?"

"Never do that. Never hurt yourself because of me. Because if you ever do that, if you ever kill yourself or even cut yourself because of me I couldn't live with myself. Okay. Promise me that." He said as a tear escaped his eye.

"I promise." I said as I started to cry quietly.

"Good because Liv..." He drifted off

"What Grayson?" I questioned him.

"I'll love you until I die. So for a really long time." He said looking down smiling and ended that call.

"I love you." I said. To no one.

Hey fam! sorry this is kinda depressing but I thinking gonna be a good book. If that scene seems familiar to you I based it off the song Whiskey Lullaby. It's a country song and I love it so much it's great.
Love you thanks for reading!

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