Chapter 1

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so here's the first chapter to set the mood a little! I literally wrote this just now because I'm way too excited to start on this book. I hope it won't disappoint ;)

oh and like the title says... this is the sequel to CLASS DISMISSED. so if you haven't read that, go read that first, ok? ok. enjoy! ☺️


"I'm fucking huge!" I exclaimed in horror as I looked at myself in the mirror.

"No you're not." Vic retorted with a chuckle, just as he finished putting on his shoes.

I turned sideways and lifted up my shirt, looking at the massive bump that was once my fairly flat stomach. I was just over six months pregnant, but damn, it looked like I was about to pop already. "I'm so fat, though! It looks like I swallowed an air balloon or something." I whined.

Vic came over to me and tapped on the mirror. "No babe, you're not fat, or huge. This mirror is just warped." He simply stated.

I looked at him skeptically through the reflection of the mirror. Did he seriously think that I was going to believe that?

He then raised his shirt, turned sideways towards me and pressed out his stomach, trying to make himself look fat too. "See? It's the mirror!"

I smacked the palm of my hand to my forehead and shook my head, laughing. "Oh my god Vic, you are such an idiot."

He then wrapped his arms around my waist and gently pressed himself against me, kissing my forehead. "Yeah, but you love me anyway."

That was true. I did love this idiot. With every fiber of my being. "Do we seriously have to do this, though? I mean, birthing classes, really?"

Vic chuckled a little and started softly swaying the both of us left and right. "I know how you feel about it babe, but my mother insists. And you know how she is, once she gets something in her head. . ."

"She will go on about it until she gets her way. Yes, just like you do." I finished with a slightly amused sigh. Vic just shrugged and smiled down at me innocently. "Alright, fine, let's just go and get this over with."

Honestly, I thought birthing classes were the most stupid thing in the world. I mean seriously, what did they really teach you there anyway? My mother never did birthing classes. She just waited nine months, pooped Oliver and me out and gave me away. And we all turned out just fine, right?

Ugh, this was gonna be so stupid.

All this was thanks to stupid Vivian. Okay, she wasn't stupid. Vivian's actually a total sweetheart and she only wants what's best for the babies and me. But nothing in the world could convince me that birthing classes could teach me anything that I didn't already read up on or heard stories about from my own mother.

Yes, I had finally come to terms with Carol and got used to calling her mom. She was so happy about that. It really took quite some time for me to get used to the whole thing, but she tried so hard and we mostly got along. We even went off to a spa for a week, just the two of us, to do some mother-daughter bonding. It was nice, I guess.

"Breathe in. . . breathe out." The prenatal-aid woman, person, whatever she's called, instructed us.

Five women were present with their partners, of which I was naturally the biggest, being as I was the only one here carrying twins. God I felt so fat. I was sitting down, holding my big belly in my hands, legs crossed in front of me, breathing in and out slowly as the woman. . . right, Patricia I think her name was. . . had told us to do. Vic sat behind me, his legs spread around me on each side, his hands resting on my big baby bump right above mine, and his head gently on my shoulder.

Two's a Handful (Vic Fuentes - Sequel to Class Dismissed) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now