Chapter 4

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"This box belongs in the nursery, right?" I asked to be sure, holding a box that had a stick figure drawn on it in my arms as I stood in the hallway.

"Yes. . . but babe, put the box down. Let me and the guys do the lifting." Vic insisted with a pleading sigh.

"Nursery it is." I muttered, making my way to the stairs and ignoring his pleas. I really wanted to do something, and I really wanted to see the nursery already. This was the day that we were moving in, and I still hadn't seen it because Kellin wanted it to be 'perfect' before I finally got to see it.

Vic grabbed a box and followed me up the stairs, only to make sure that I was doing alright. He really didn't want me doing much, but it seriously bothered me. I wasn't made for just sitting around on a couch all day long. Heck, I couldn't remember the last time I actually went for a run around the tracks or in the park. Sadly now, the mere thought of running made me tired.

I made my way into the nursery and was shocked at what I saw in there. The whole thing was already furnished and I could tell everything was painted by hand. Nothing was pink or blue and that was an honest to god relief. No, instead there were greens, browns, blacks and enough white to keep the room light. Two black, wooden cribs stood up against the wall. Between the two stood a tree trunk for a table, and on the wall itself, the rest of the tree was painted. Branches and leaves were scattered out over the entire back wall, as well as trails of music notes.

"Kellin did this?" I gasped as I looked at it in aw.

Vic put his box on the ground and took the one I was holding from my hands. "Yep, this was all him. Impressive, huh?"

"It's fucking amazing." I was in love with this room. Absolutely in love with it. I almost wanted to cry, it was so beautiful. I could already picture the two little ones growing up in this room and it made me so happy.

Suddenly I felt a hard kick, and a sharp pain went through me, almost making me double over. The kick was so hard; it made me a little lightheaded. "Baby, are you okay?" Vic immediately asked, reaching out to me.

I nodded in slight pain, wrapping my arms around myself. "I just need to sit down." I managed to get out with a whimper.

Vic carefully grabbed a hold of me and guided me to the loveseat that stood on the other side of the room. I tried to remember the stupid breathing exercises as I sat down. "Are you sure you're okay? Do we need to go to the hospital?" Vic asked as he kneeled down in front of me, taking my hands in his.

I shook my head and exhaled deeply. "No, it's okay. I think it's just the excitement."

He sighed and frowned with worry in his eyes. "Just please try to relax, okay? Let me and the guys do all the lifting, like we're supposed to."

"I just feel so useless."

Vic reached up and caressed my cheek, making me look at him. "You're not useless, baby. If anything, you are doing more work than all of us combined, growing two little humans inside you. Hell, I don't know how you do it, but you do. Everything is going to be just fine, okay? Let us do the big stuff, and then you can relax and take charge of decorating. Because honestly, with the way you made sure everything fitted into that cramped truck, I can tell you're far better with placement than I am."

I chuckled a little. He was right; with the way the guys were moving everything into the truck, if they hadn't listened to me, half of it wouldn't even have fitted in the damn thing. I was on the verge of crying earlier about how useless I felt, but Vic knew just what to say to make me feel better. As usual.

I took a deep breath and exhaled, smiling down at Vic. "Feeling a bit better?" He then asked with a comforting smile.

"Yeah, I do. Thank you. I love you."

He moved up and softly pecked me on the lips. "I love you too, babe."

It took the guys a few hours, but eventually everything was moved into the house. God I had no idea we even had that much. But Vic said that he had already gone around and bought some stuff while he was supposedly 'in the studio'. . . the lying little sweetheart.

"I am so done for today, these feet are not walking anymore." I groaned as I sat down on the couch. It was nearly midnight and we had been busy the entire time, even though all of the guys already left like four hours earlier.

Vic followed me into the living room and put down two drinks and a bowl of chips. "That's why we're going to sit down, relax and watch a movie. We have all the time in the world to unpack tomorrow, the day after. . . but now it's time to chill." He sat down on the couch beside me and pulled me close to him, kissing the top of my head.

I sighed in contentment as I lay against him, resting my head on his lap. "This is perfect, Vic. I'm so happy we got this house." I whispered in all honesty.

"Hmm, me too." He simply said as he gently rubbed the side of my belly. It was so nice to just be amongst ourselves, not having to worry about others, and most of all, the fact that we were together. It was strange to be somewhere new, but with Vic by my side I knew everything would be just fine.

"Oh god no, not a horror movie! How the hell am I supposed to relax with that?!" I cried out when I saw Vic press play on a movie called Devil's Due. Just the cover of the movie was horrific; a disturbed woman with white eyes sitting on her knees on the ground with a baby crib behind her. Something told me that I really did not want to see this.

Vic chuckled and kissed the side of my head. "Come on, do you have any idea how much work I did today? I deserve getting to pick the movie."

I groaned and rolled my eyes. "Fine."

The movie began quite normal. It was just a happy couple on their honeymoon, and when they got home they found out she was pregnant. As the movie progressed though, it got a lot creepier and I didn't like it. Also the fact that it was all filmed with like a handheld camera made me a little nauseous.

"Oh my god!" I practically screeched, as I watched a scene where the woman was sleeping on the couch and her big pregnant bump began to move in really weird and sickening ways. "Oh god, that's just horrible!"

I looked down at my own belly as I felt the two squirm around and then looked up to Vic. "I better not be carrying some scary Mexican demon babies, mister!" I simply told him.

He just looked down at me, unimpressed by my tantrum. "Oh you'll be fine, they always protect the mother." He simply stated, earning a well scared look from me. Vic then began shaking his head and laughing loudly. "Come on babe, don't tell me you believe that stuff could actually happen."

"Well, I don't know! Maybe!" I defended.

"We are so not having this conversation." Vic chuckled. "I may have been raised catholic, but demons and exorcisms? No, babe, no."

"Oh Jesus fuck, did she just gut herself open and rip out the fucking baby?!" I squealed at the tv, having missed half of what happened in the meantime. "However much I want these two out of me already, there's no way I could ever do that!"

Vic ran his fingers through my hair and sighed in amusement. "You're adorkable." He muttered softly.

I turned my head back to look up at him and frowned questioningly, not sure if I had heard him right. "I'm a what now?"

He smiled and kissed my forehead. "You're a dork, but you're adorable. . . you're adorkable."

I snickered and rolled my eyes. "And you're just plain fucking weird."

"Yeah, but you love me anyways." There it was again. This guy, seriously. How did I get this lucky?


get ready for some drama soon.


yeah ok.

Two's a Handful (Vic Fuentes - Sequel to Class Dismissed) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now