Chapter 45

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"Don't burn yourself now." I spoke teasingly as I watched Vic poke around in the fireplace. "Wouldn't want you to have any burns on your eh. . ."

I didn't even have to finish my sentence, because Vic knew exactly what I meant and immediately started laughing. "That'd be such a shame." He murmured, with a smirk etched onto his face.

After the unexpected proposal, we ended up having a much needed, long, intimate session which resulted in us both being in our birthday suits on the floor, with only each other's body heat and the fluffy rug in front of the fireplace to keep us warm. And for a while that worked, until some hours passed by and I started getting cold.

Vic had gotten us a blanket and started up a fire since I was too spent to get up. He definitely wasn't complaining though. With the candles still burning bright around us, I honestly couldn't think of anything more romantic than our current setting.

I was lying on the rug, wrapped up in part of the blanket while admiring my ring. It was absolutely gorgeous. A little over the top, maybe, but just stunning. Vic told me it had taken him months to find the 'perfect' one. I rolled my eyes again when I thought about it. Him and his insane goals for perfection.

I hadn't even noticed that Vic had already finished lighting the fireplace and left the room, until he came back and cleared his throat. I raised an eyebrow and looked up, grinning instantly when I saw him.

There was honestly no better view than my naked soon-to-be husband standing in front of me holding a bottle of champagne in one hand and a plate of food in the other. "Thirsty?" He asked with an excited smile.

"Well I am now." I smirked.

He rolled his eyes and smiled as he situated himself beside me on the ground. "So you got champagne, huh?" I asked as I watched him starting to open up the bottle.

"Yep." He confirmed, pursing his lips and letting the 'p' pop. "It's what people usually drink to celebrate, right?"

I chuckled softly. "To celebrate? Well you're awfully confident, mister Fuentes. What if I would've said no?"

The cork popped out of the neck of the bottle making Vic smile triumphantly. "Well then I still would've drank the champagne, out of sorrow. . . and probably burn down the house in my drunken, depressed state, attempting to get rid of all these candles." He pointed out ever so casually.

I giggled softly. "The poor house! Good thing I didn't say no then." I said, kissing his cheek.

He just smiled and returned the gesture before he poured the champagne into two separate glasses and handed me one. "To you, future Mrs. Fuentes." He then said, clinking his glass against mine.

I smirked. "I like the sound of that."

I really did. And back then I was pretty pissed about it, but nowadays I found it funny when I thought about the fact that for about 18 years I was Chelsea Michaels. . . for a good ten years I've been Chelsea Sykes. . . and soon I would be Chelsea Fuentes.


Vic held the plate of food in front of my face, pulling me from my random train of thought. "Chocolate covered fruit. . . no tree nuts, and no strawberries." He said with a knowing grin.

I rolled my eyes and smiled. "How thoughtful of you."

"Well you know me." He said with a shrug. "I know how to please my lady. . . and not attempt to kill her in the process."

We spent the entire night right there on the floor just talking and reminiscing about the past ten years that we had been together, and honestly it was one of the nicest nights we had ever had. I couldn't get over everything that Vic had done to make this so romantic and special. I mean, it wasn't big, but I liked that. It was more us.

Two's a Handful (Vic Fuentes - Sequel to Class Dismissed) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now