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[takes deep breath] guys... [tears start falling] this is the last chapter... I was gonna do 2 but I decided to make one big last chapter instead... [flat out starts sobbing] I'm ok, I'm ok... really... I'm fine... it's just, this is the end... [cries uncontrollably] the end... [buries face into box of tissues] .. enjoy!


Hannah came running into the kitchen where Kellin and I were preparing a huge dinner. Phone in one hand and hairbrush clutched in the other, she smiled brightly. "Mama, can my boyfriend come over for dinner too?" She asked.

Fifteen years had gone by. Fifteen beautiful years of being married to the love of my life and living an amazing life, with thankfully, not so many hospital visits anymore.

"Boyfriend? What boyfriend?" Vic demanded to know, peaking his head into the kitchen curiously. I swear that man had super sonic hearing when it came to the word boyfriend rolling out of his daughter's mouth.

"How was I not aware that you had a boyfriend? And why haven't I met him yet?" He wanted to know.

Kellin started giggling softly beside me. "Uh oh." He whispered. I shot him a glare and swatted his arm with my spatula, only making him laugh more as a result.

Hannah groaned slightly. "Papa, it's fine, he's good to me, and you will meet him tonight. . . if he can come over for dinner. Mama, can he?"

I chuckled a little. "Yes darling, he can come over for dinner. And while you have the phone anyways, can you call your brother and ask him what time he'll be here?"

Hannah simply nodded excitedly and scurried off back upstairs into her bedroom.

"Why wasn't I informed of this boyfriend person?" Vic then asked me firmly, entering the kitchen completely this time.

I rolled my eyes and focused back on the task at hand; dinner. There was so much that I still needed to do. I had never cooked for this many people before. It was insane. And I was almost tempted to just order out.

"Because she knew you'd act like this, Victor." I pointed out, not being able to hide the amusement.

"Act like what?" He asked defensively. "I have the right to know that my daughter has a boyfriend! I mean, what if he's no good? How long has this been going on? Isn't she too young to have a boyfriend? She's only fifteen!"

"Your daughter is sixteen, you dipshit." Kellin murmured through his laughter.

Vic shot Kellin a that's-not-the-point kind of glare, making me roll my eyes. I sighed and paused what I was doing. "You need to relax, babe." I told Vic as I turned to him and wrapped my arms around his waist. "Remington is a good kid. I can tell he has the best intentions towards Hannah. And besides, she has a big mouth, she can stand up for herself if she needs to."

Vic sighed, grinning slightly as he returned the gesture of wrapping his arms around me. "Yeah, she takes after you. Which is exactly why I'm worried. She won't come to me for help, she'll just kick his ass herself."

I giggled softly. "You should be happy that our daughter is so self sufficient." I told him seriously.

"Yeah but I want to do the ass kicking, it's my right as a parent." He then whined, pursing his lips into a sad pout. Vic may have been well in his forties by now, but he still acted like a child sometimes.

"You're such a dork, babe."

Vic just grinned and pressed his lips to mine, dipping me backwards just slightly.

Two's a Handful (Vic Fuentes - Sequel to Class Dismissed) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now