Chapter 39

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slightly boring filler chapter sorry 🙄


"Maybe we should've stayed home." Vic murmured with a worried frown as we walked out of the Manchester airport.

"Heck no, I'm not missing Oli and Kellin's wedding." I insisted, squinting my eyes, as I looked around in search for a cab or a bus, anything really. It was still an hour drive up to Sheffield.

"Are you sure you're up to it, though?"

I knew exactly what he meant by that. It had only been a month since I went into therapy for my depression, and it had been a little over a week since they had given me medication for it. I wasn't suicidal or anything of the sort. I was just upset a lot, I was struggling with my emotions, but I was getting better. I could feel it.

Plus there was just no way in hell that I was going to miss the wedding of my brother and my best friend. Seriously. Oliver had suggested rescheduling it, but I wouldn't let him.

I turned towards Vic and placed my hands on his chest, sighing as I smiled at him. "I'm fine, really. Stop worrying so much. I've really been looking forward to this." I told him in all honesty.

He placed his hands on top of mine and smiled a little. "Alright, I believe you." He whispered before softly pecking my forehead.

"Seems like we're attending a lot of weddings lately, aren't we?" Jaime pointed out in a slightly mocking tone.

Vic raised his eyebrow skeptically as he looked in Jaime's direction. "I recall this only being the second one, Hime-time." He muttered, a little unimpressed.

"What is it they always say again?" Jaime then asked, tapping his chin with his index finger as if he was deep in thought. "Oh, right, always the bridesmaid, never the bride." He then said with a sly grin on his face.

I facepalmed myself into Vic's chest and groaned. "Jaime, your bad jokes are getting so old." I exclaimed in slight annoyance.

"Well let's be honest, you're not getting any younger either."

Oh that little fucking shit.

I looked up at Vic, almost pleadingly. "Can I please smack him?" I asked innocently.

Vic grinned a little and let go of my hands. "By all means, go for it." And that was all the permission I would ever need. I smirked at Jaime right before he bolted off and hid behind Jessica. She immediately stepped to the side, allowing me to run after him as he just bolted off again.

"Get back here you little turd!" I yelled at him.

Thankfully, Mike then suddenly grabbed a hold of Jaime and put him in a headlock. I kicked him in the shin and he cried out like it seriously hurt him. I knew it didn't, he was just being overdramatic. "Have mercy!" He begged, acting like he was about to cry.

Mike glanced at me, mentally asking if it was okay to let him go yet. I just gave him a nod, and Mike then loosened his grip on Jaime. "Now what was that for?" He asked.

"You called me old!" I exclaimed in a 'duh' tone. "Thanks by the way, Mikey." I then calmly said to Mike, patting his shoulder in appreciation.

"Any time, sis."

Did he just say sis? I was a little shocked by him calling me that. He'd never done that before. Not once in all these years. But I liked the sound of it. I gave him a smile and turned back to Vic, who just stood there watching us and chuckling softly.

Two's a Handful (Vic Fuentes - Sequel to Class Dismissed) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now