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Ok imagine that you are a 23- year old student  at a world-renowned art institute outside of your little hometown in Arizona. Your parents told you to attend a four year college but that life really didn't fit your style . See you are a artist by nature, all of your life has been devoted to your wonderful talent and now this is your chance to show it to the world. You walk off the bus with nothing but a duffle bag in one hand, and 3,000 dollars in an envelope that your grandmother gave you. Before you stands  a modern-looking building that is covered in graffiti that read, National Art Institute of Los Angeles. At the gate there is a lady in her late 20's to greet you at the door. Her name is Julie, she shows you around the school and your are rather impressed by all the oil painted pictures that covers the hallway. She finally shows you to your dorm, room 328. It was a very spaced out room with a queen sized bed, a small bathroom and a sketch table. As you think  about it, this is better than your old room in Maricopa. you toss your stuff on the floor and flop on the bed, as you stare at the ceiling, the phone on the nightstand begins to ring, a voice message telling you about the eating times and your class schedule. Then a girl walks in, a short blonde with braces walks in. ''Hi she says, you reply back with an awkward smile, 'Hello'' .''My name is Hannah and I will be your room mate. About two weeks pass by and so far everything's fine with your life. You're doing very well in your classes and you and Hannah are dating. One night as you finished a painting and  where sleeping, a small faint voice calls your name. You wake up to see only Hannah sleeping peacefully next to you, figuring you were just dreaming, you closed your eyes, but this time, some one is breathing on your face, you ignore it until a pair of soft lips press against yours, you open your eyes to see a red- haired girl above you grinning at you maliciously '' Love your painting'' she said in a raspy voice. As your eyes began to focus you see that she has a emerald green eye on the left and a shiny clock on the other, you wanted to scream, but something about her seemed...attractive. Before you had the chance to say a word, she bolted out the window. You layed back, fucked up about what just happened.     

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