The Maestro

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You wake up to a sharp pain in your arms. You try to raise up, but your body is held down by restraints.'' W... where am I'', you say in a raspy voice. After a long pause of silence, a pair of footsteps are coming to you. Above your body stands the same tall, dark figure from the forest. In a static, electronic voice, it says ''You are awake,that's  good''. ''Who are you?'' ''What am I doing here?'' you began to yell as your struggle to get free. 'Calm down, everything will be fine''. Emerging from its back, a long black tendril slashes through the restraints. you raise up and inspect your body.To your horror your hands are replaced by metallic gauntlets. 'You are now my proxy''. You began to scream in terror, your voice echoing through the dark halls. The figure stands over you as you weep in agonizing pain.''You're very lucky Clocks saved you human. You look up at it and began to stand up, rage and sadness rising. '' I'll kill you.... you are suddenly stop by a sharp pain in your chest, you look down to see a knife inside your chest. '' Nice try kid'' a demonic voice appeared behind you. You turn around to see a man with a white hoodie covered in blood leaning against the wall. He walks over and pulls the knife out of your chest, inspecting the dripping blood. His face was covered, but the only thing visible to is the large, bloody joker smile across the face. 'I have to say,Clocksy really chose this one''. You rasp out '' Who the fuck are you'' He laughs maniacally '' I am your worst nightmare''. ''Claude welcome to the Creepypasta mansion, you now are a proxy''.  

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