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You look into the mirror, the face you looked at your whole life  suddenly disgusts you. You want to change it,..improve it. So you take a knife and stare at the blade,you burn the blade tip by a nearby candle. You admire the heated metal as it glowed a hellish red.You smile and hum to yourself a symphony by Mozart. The smell of burning flesh fill your nostrils as you slash musical notes into your cheeks.You look at the result of your art, a beautiful, demented psychopath stares back at you.''Tu sei bella senza paragoni'' (you are beautiful beyond comparison).

A group of teens are partying in the deep forest.All are incompetent to their demise I watched them for three hours, admiring the thing I once was....human. My love Natalie,waits next to me humming to herself as she sharpens her knife on a nearby rock.Another hour passed,and the group finally settled down from their stupid dancing, the perfect time to move.First, we give them a warning shot,Natalie throws the knife with inhuman accuracy,piercing one of the stronger boys eye. I laughed hysterically as the girls screamed in terror,not even thinking of running.Natalie quickly runs past the crowd, putting out the fire. Now it was my turn ,i stuck to the nearby fog for camouflage, a move used by slendy.I pulled a girl into the fog and punched through her chest, ripping out her heart.I stared into her eyes as she gurlgled for the last couple of breath. By that time,my beloved has already killed the rest of the boys with ease. Since we killed all of them , Slendy  appeared to collect the bodies.Tonight was rather easy,unlike my other kills, they were slow thinking and didn't run.As we started our journey home, Natalie asked me if I could train with her. I never understood why, but I do need to sharpen my skills as a proxy. Do I hate training, yes as any other teen would but I want to at least beat Jeff in a fight.

It's just Natalie and I, she stands there across from me, knife in one hand and fist in the other. I only have is my gauntlets and my mind. She charges, as she slashes at my neck, I side step and take a jab to her left side, stunning her. As she holds her ribs, I take this opportunity to take a hard blow to the face, but she sees the attack and ducks, using the knife in her free hand to cut my eye. The pain is delicious as blood drips from my pupil, she laughs and vanishes into the fog. Clever girl. I look around confused, but Natalie watches me from above in the trees, I can sense her. She lunges at me from the tree, I quickly pivot and grabb her by the neck. I have won. ''That's enough'' I hear slender say from nearby. ''Congrads baby'' Natalie says. I let her go and she smiles at me.      

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